Overview of the Content Analytics Dashboard


The Content Analytics section will be accessible to users only if all the following conditions are met:

With the use of a range of custom filters, Content Analytics gives you a better insight into how various Apty Content is operating on your application, enabling you to make smarter business decisions.

Every section in the global dashboard displays the following important factors:

  • The type of engagement with your Apty Content.

  • Statistics and numbers indicating the frequency of user engagement with your Apty Content.

  • The rate of engagement that has changed from the previous to the selected duration.

Percentage Type Description
percentage type - announcements The upward green arrow signifies a 100% rise in the Announcements engagement rate and the downward red arrow indicates a 50% drop in the number of users engaging with the Announcements for the chosen month compared to the previous month. Similarly, for quarterly or yearly duration, Apty will display data compared to the previous quarter or year. 


To view the Content Analytics global dashboard,

  1. Login to your Admin Portal.

  2. Select your Application from the left panel and then click

Content Analytics to navigate to the Workflows dashboard.

content analytics

You can use the following options to filter the data you want to display in the global dashboard:

  • Duration- Displays the Workflows available for the selected period.

  • Environment- Displays the Workflows available for the selected Environment.

  • Segments- Displays the Workflows available for the selected Segments.

filter content analytics overview


  • The data in the dashboard will be refreshed every ninety minutes.

  • By default, the time zone is set to your browser's local time. This displays your Apty Content based on your local time zone.

  • You can click the vertical ellipsis and then select Customize Dashboard to drag and drop a section to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

The global dashboard of Content Analytics displays the following data:

Content Overview

Each tab in this section displays the total number of user engagement with each Apty Content(Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, Launchers, Announcements, and Knowledge Center Content) on your application as well as the change in the engagement rate between the previous and the current period. You can click each tab to navigate to the corresponding analytics dashboard which displays detailed analytics for every Content.

 content overview

Each tab consists of the following elements:

  • The total number of the Apty Content created on your application for the selected duration. For instance, the image above shows that your application has 40 Workflows, 10 Validations, 9 Tooltips, and so on.

  • Total count of engagement with the Apty Content in the selected duration. For instance, Workflows have been engaged(Initiated, Completed, Inprogress, Incomplete, Error) 5,517 times in the selected duration.

  • The change in percentage of Apty Content engaged between the previous and the selected duration. For instance, there has been a 65% decline in Workflow engagement from the prior month to the present one.

  • Total number of users who engaged with the Apty Content.

  • The change in percentage of users between the previous and the selected duration, who have engaged with the Apty Content. For instance, there has been a 50% decline in the number of users who engaged with the Workflows from the prior month to the present one.

Content Engagement

You can hover your cursor over the appropriate progress bar in this section to view the count of the Engaged and Unengaged Apty Content on your application.

content engagement
  • Engaged- Displays the count of Apty content that has been created and engaged(Initiated, Completed, Inprogress, Incomplete, Error) within the selected duration.

  • Unengaged- Displays the count of Apty Content that has been created but not engaged in the selected duration.

Trend Comparison

You can view and compare the Content Engagement count between the Durations selected in the Trend Comparison and the Global Filters section. For example, if you have selected Last 30 Days (24 DEC '23 - 23 JAN '24) as the Duration in the Global Filters section and Last 6 Months as the Duration in the Trend Comparison section, the latter will automatically update to 24 JUL '23 - 23 JAN '24. This enables you to view and compare the Engagement count between the two durations through the progress bars.

trend comparison

Similarly, you can compare the number of user engagements with Apty Content between both durations by selecting the Users radio button.

Overall Content Adaption

This section gives a total count of Apty Content that was created, published, and unpublished in your application for the selected duration.

You can click each Content tab to view the relevant data in the table below:

overall content adaption

The Overall Content Adaption table consists of the following shared and unique data:

Content Name Workflows Validations Tooltips Launchers Announcements Knowledge Center
Content specific data


The count of Workflows that have been executed through the last step for the selected duration.

Data Correction:

Total no. of Validations that were failed during the selected period.

Engagement rate:

The change in percentage of user engagement for each Tooltip between the previous and the selected duration.




The no. of users whos has accepted the Announcement for the selected duration.

Announcement indicates that the user has read, understood, and agreed to content in the Announcement. Once the user accepts the Announcement, it will no longer show up on the application page.

Content type:

  • Videos

  • Links

  • Image

  • Text


Shared data


Total count of engagement (Initiated, Completed, Inprogress, Incomplete, Error) with the Apty Content in the selected duration.

No. of User:

Total no. of unique users who engaged with the Apty Content.


The latest status (published or unpublished) of the Apty Content.

Engagement Analysis by Segments

The three most and least number of engagements with your Apty Content are displayed in this section for the selected segment and duration. For example, if you've selected the segment as Region, the analysis table will provide the three most and least engaged countries with their user engagement metrics for each Apty Content.

engagement analysis

Data Type

Display Status


Displays the name of the Segments with the three highest and three lowest engagements count in descending and ascending order respectively for the selected duration. For example, if you select the Segment Group as Region, it will display three countries that had the most number of engagements with each Content in descending order and three countries that had the least number of engagements in ascending order. Similarly, if you select the Segment Group as Department, it will display three departments in your organization that had the most number of engagements with each Content in descending order and three departments that had the least number of engagements in ascending order.


  • Displays the engagement count of the respective Segments with each Content for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of engagement for each Content between the previous and the selected duration.

No. of user

  • Displays the total number of users in the respective segment who engaged with the Apty Content for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of user engagement for each Content between the previous and the selected duration.

Region Level Engagement

This section provides consolidated statistics of user engagement with your Apty Content across various locations or demography. The information that appears while you hover your cursor over each progress bar is as follows:

  • Engagement - Displays the engagement count of each region with your Apty Content for the selected duration and the rate of change of engagement between the previous and the selected duration.

  • No. Of Users - Displays the total number of users in the respective region who engaged with the Apty Content for the selected duration and the rate of change of user engagement between the previous and the selected duration.

region level engagement

Device and Browser Level Engagement

This section provides user engagement with your Apty Content across various devices and browsers for the selected duration.

device and browser level engagement

Device Level Engagement

Each tab displays the following information for Desktop and Mobile devices:

Data Type



  • Displays the number of times users have engaged with Apty Content on your desktop or mobile applications for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of engagement with Apty Content between the previous and the selected duration.


  • Displays the total number of users in the respective devices who engaged with the Apty Content for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of user engagement with Apty Content between the previous and the selected duration.

Browser Level Engagement

Each tab displays the following information for different browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari:

Data Type



  • Displays the number of times users have engaged with Apty Content on the relevant browser for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of engagement with Apty Content on the relevant browser between the previous and the selected duration.


  • Displays the total number of users who engaged with the Apty Content using the relevant browser for the selected duration.

  • Displays the change in percentage of user engagement with Apty Content on the relevant browser between the previous and the selected duration.

To view the statistics of each Apty Content in depth, refer to the following articles: