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List of Apty Feature Flags

In this article, we will learn about all the feature flags that enable or disable select Apty features or functionalities for you to use the latest Apty version seamlessly without deploying any code. An example of a feature flag is Apty's Content Versioning. Only if this feature is enabled for your enterprise, you can view and create multiple versions of your Apty content that helps you backtrack and rectify content mistakes in your application while keeping all the version history intact.

To learn more, see Feature Flagging.


Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable or disable the required feature flag.

Feature flags are divided into two parts:

Permanent Feature Flags

Features with permanent feature flags can only be used once you enable them, as they are not expected to cease being feature flags in the future.

Serial No. Feature Flag Default state in Split.io Feature Release Version Description
1 AddApplication Off   Allow admin to add new application from admin
2 AdminEnvFilter Off 4.7 To enable environment filter for analytics


Off 4.16 To enable rebuild button - Later this will be used for client version control also.
4 AptyBranding On 4.8 Allows to show apty branding watermark in apty suite
5 AutoContentTranslation On 4.8 Ability to auto translate content to different languages from admin
6 ClientFavoriteContent Off 4.9 Abilty to mark client content as favorite in Client
7 ClientGroupContent Off 4.9 Used to group the content in tags
8 ClientMostUsedContent Off 4.9 Display frequenly used content in apty Client
9 ContentAggregation On 4.11 Integrate the thirparty documents in to KC with help of Thirdparty integration Confluence and Zendesk
10 ContentCopyAcrossApplications Off <4.5 Allow the admin to copy content across the different applications from admin
11 ContentLength 50 <4.5 Set the content length for tool names
12 ContentReview Off 4.19  
13 CustomWhiteLabeling On 4.10 Add Custom white labeling option for all workflow exports - PPT, PDF, SCORM, VIDEO
14 DetectLocaleOnDomChange Off <4.5 To change the player language on DOM change. Without reloading the application. Implemented on CS request (Innowork)
15 DisableAssistAnalytics Off <4.5 To disable assist analytics tracking
16 DisableInsightsAnalytics Off <4.5 To disable engagement analytics tracking
17 DisableInsightsAnalyticsDashboard Off <4.5 This flag will be used to hide the insights analytics dashboard in adminBy default it is OFF which means Dashboard will be visible
18 DisableServerCalls Off 4.6 To disable apty server calls if content hosted on on-prem
19 DomChangeDebounce On 4.15 Configure DOM change debounce time if there are continuous DOM changes in the application. To improve the application performance and fix CB issues CB-778, CB798
20 DraggablePlayer On 4.7 Allow the end user to change the player position
21 ErrorInsightsConfig Off 4.7 To tracking error events with provided config in admin
22 FlowVoiceOver Yes 4.7 Workflow voice over for each step
23 HideAptyWidgetWhenNoContent Off 4.13 Hide Apty widget if there is not content in it.
24 IgnoreSegmentationCheck Off 4.7 This will skip segmentation check and render player fast implemented for customer - careem
25 Internationalization Off 4.8 Translate and show Admin and Studio in multiple languages
26 InvokeStepAfterFramesUpdate Off 4.7 Bug fix -> if flow not playing due to slow connection of frame
27 OpenAPI Off 4.9 Open API for creating/updating Apty tools such as announcements from hitting an API
28 PublishingEnvironments Off <4.5 No of environments configuration like Production, Staging
29 RegExpUrl Off 4.15 Application URLs regex support and Manifest URLs config Support
30 SelfHosted Off 4.6 Allow the admin to provide self hosted URLs and download published content
31 ShadowRootsPlayer Off 4.21 Used for executing selector in shadow roots for injected player when element is not found as a fallback. (Is part of 4.21 release)
32 ThirdPartyAnalytics Off <4.5 To send the analytics to customer configured servers 
33 UrlRegex On <4.5 Allow the admin to give application URL as regular expression
34 UUID type Off 4.21 This feature will enable Application Id and Custom dropdown options in admin panel for unique user identification type. (Is part of 4.21 release)
35 VersionControl On 4.15 To enable rebuild button - Later this will be used for client version control also.
36 VideoExportVoiceConfig On 4.9 Ability to select voice for video export
37 WfAutoScrollBehaviour Off 4.12 Workflow Auto Scroll behaviour - smooth doesn't work for some applications use this and turn on this Support from Control Panel in Admin
38 WhiteLabeling Off 4.8 Allow whitelabeling of Apty Suite
39 Widget session tracker On 4.21 This feature flag will be used to track sessions using new-session tracking service. (Is part of 4.21 release)
40 WorkflowAutopilot No 4.7 Auto pilot feature
41 WorkflowFeedback On 4.9 Used to show flow feedback popup in client and feedback analytics in admin.


Temporary Feature Flags

Temporary feature flags are the features that are primarily made for early testing and may be likely to cease being feature flags in the future, allowing all users to utilize them without enabling them. In this case, feature flagging can be used to deploy a feature that is safely tested without sending it to every user.

Serial No. Feature Flag Default state in Split.io Feature Release Version Description


On 4.7 Multiple action buttons on Announcements
2 BrokenWorkflowRecovery Off 4.7 This will show a step popup with description when a step failed to appear on the screen due to attached element is not found
3 ClientVersion 4.4.1 4.5 To serve injected client version (4.5.1, 4.6 etc.,)
4 ContentSaveAs On 4.7 This flag will be used to enable copy content to the same application. By default it is on
5 ControlPanel On 4.10 Simplifies User experience for training apty element selection
6 CustomFlowSuccessMessage   4.7  
7 CustomValidationIcon On 4.15 Validation icon customisation feature
8 EnableFrameCheck Off 4.7 Check frames on every dom change
9 EnhancedActivities On 4.8 Activities feature
10 FloatingStep Yes 4.7 This will show a step popup with description when a step failed to appear on the screen due to attached element is not found
11 FlowVideoExport On 4.7 This flag will be used to show Flow video Export option in admin. By default this will be off
12 Goals On 4.9 Abilty to create goals and track them
13 InjectedHook On 4.7 To enable injected hook route in admin
14 LabelComparison On 4.7 This flag will be used to enable Label  comparison option in frame identification. By default this will be off
15 PreviousButton On 4.7  
16 PublishingSystem On 4.5 New Publishing System
17 ThemesV2 On 4.7 New Themes Feature
18 ZindexAppConfig On 4.7 All the admin to configure custom max z-index for the application