Overview of Checklist Analytics

To view the Checklist Analytics dashboard:

  1. Login to your Admin Portal.

  2. Select your Application from the left panel and then click Content Analytics.
    content analytics-2


    The Content Analytics section will be accessible to users only if all the following conditions are met:


  3. Click the Checklist tab in the Content Overview section of the global dashboard.
  4. Once you navigate to the Checklist dashboard, you can use the following options to filter the data you want to display in the dashboard:
  • Duration- Displays the Checklist available for the selected period.

  • Environment- Displays the Checklist available for the selected Environment.

  • Segments- Displays the Checklist available for the selected Segments. 
    checklist filter


You can click the vertical ellipsis and then select Customize Dashboard to drag and drop a section to change the look and feel of the dashboard.

Dashboard Level Insights

At the dashboard level, users can obtain a comprehensive overview of metrics linked to selected Checklist content.

checklist primary

Checklist Engagement Analysis

This section illustrates the collective interaction users have had with the chosen Checklist on your application, along with the user engagement rate shift between the prior and the current selected period.

 checklist engagement analytics

Data Type


Overall Engagement

  • Engagement: The total count of the checklist(s) that were initiated within the selected duration.

  • Engagement%: The change in the percentage of the checklist initiation between the previous and the selected duration.

Total Users

  • Users: Total count of unique users who engaged with the checklist within the selected duration.

  • Users%: The change in the percentage of user counts who engaged with the checklist between the previous and the selected duration.

In Progress

  • Inprogress: The total number of checklist(s) that started where all the tasks are not yet completed during the filtered time period.

  • Inprogress %: Percentage change of inprogress count during the filtered time period compared to the previous time period.

  • Users: Count of users for whom checklist(s) are in progress.

  • Users %: Percentage change of users for whom checklist(s) are in progress during the filtered time as compared to the previous time period.

    has context menu


  • Completed: Total number of checklist(s) with all tasks completed during the filtered time period.

  • Completed %: Percentage change of completed count during the filtered time period compared to the previous time period.

  • Users: Count of users for whom checklist(s) are completed.

  • Users %: Percentage change of users for whom checklist(s) are completed during the filtered time compared to the previous time period.

Checklist Engagement

This section consists of the top three Most Engaged, Least Engaged and Unengaged Checklists for the selected duration.

Checklist Engagement

Data Type


Most Engaged Checklist

  • The top three Checklists with the highest engagement count, in descending order.

Least Engaged Checklist

  • The last three Checklists with the lowest engagement count, in ascending order.

Unengaged Checklist

Three Checklists with no engagement.

You can hover your cursor over the i icons to view the description for each type.


You can click the View All button to view all the Checklists and their statuses.

Content Overview

content overview - checklist

This section presents the frequency of engagement with the Checklists deduced from their mean engagement rate for the selected duration. Assume that your application has five distinct Checklists and that the count of engagements with each Checklist for a certain month is as follows:


No. of times the Checklists were engaged within a month

Mean (sum of engagements for the given duration/total no. of engaged Checklists)

Checklist 1






Checklist 2


Checklist 3


Checklist 4


Consequently, the Checklists that have the Engagement count higher than the Mean are considered to be the Most Frequently Engaged, while the Checklists with the Engagement count lower than or equal to the Mean are considered to be the Least Frequently Engaged. Thus, the engagement order for the Checklists is as follows, starting from the Most Frequently Engaged to the Least Frequently Engaged:

Checklist 2 > Checklist 1 > 90 > Checklist 3 > Checklist 4.

You can hover your cursor over the i icons to view the description for each type.

Segment Level Insights

This section displays the metrics of all your Checklist engagements for the selected segment within the specified duration.

segment level insights - checklist

You can choose between Role and Department groups, then view the segments along with their engagement data displayed in popup balloons upon hovering over the bars.

Checklist Analysis

This section lists the top 5 Checklists in the increasing and decreasing order of user engagement rate for the selected duration. Each filter also displays the number of users engaged with each Checklist.

checklist analysis

Content Level Dashboard

For a more detailed analysis of individual Checklists, users can access specific insights directly through the Content Level dashboard.

a.  Click the View All button on the Checklist Engagement section in the primary dashboard.

view all gif - checklist

The following data is shown in a maximized table for all the existing Checklists created within your application:

Data type

Display Status

Checklist name

Title of the checklist provided by the content creator.


The total count of the checklist(s) that were initiated within the selected duration.

No. of Users

The total count of unique users who engaged with the checklist within the selected duration.


The total number of checklist(s) with all tasks completed during the filtered time period.

Average Completion Rate

The daily average of the users who engaged with checklist(s) during the filtered time period.


The latest publishing status of the checklist.

b.  Select an Checklist from the table to examine its usage in detail.

Checklist list

Checklist Engagement Analysis

This section shows the overall engagement that users have had with the selected Checklist on your application, as well as the user engagement rate that has changed between the previous and the selected duration.
checklist eng analysis 2-1

The table below provides the definitions for each Checklist status:

Data type

Display Status


The total count of the checklist(s) that were initiated within the selected duration.

Total Users

The total count of unique users who engaged with the checklist within the selected duration.


The total number of checklist(s) with all tasks completed during the filtered time period.


The total number of checklist(s) that are not yet completed during the filtered time period.

You can hover your cursor over the i icons to view the description for each status.

Average Engagement Metrics

avg engagement metrics - checklist-1

This section illustrates the average engagement count of the Checklist on a daily basis during the chosen period. Let's consider the following scenario, where a Checklist is engaged "n" times each day for a week:


No. of times the Checklist was engaged

Daily Average Engagement count

Day 1


(100+200+300+90+80+50+40)/7 = 122

Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6


Day 7


Similarly, you can observe the daily average count of users who engaged with the Checklist, along with the daily average percentage of the Checklist that displayed information on hover for the selected duration.

Data type

Display Status

Frequency of Data

The daily average of the checklist(s) engagements count during the filtered time period

Avg. Users Engaged

The daily average of the users who engaged with checklist(s) during the filtered time period

Avg. Completion Rate

The daily average of the users who engaged with checklist(s) during the filtered time period

Tasks Insights

Gain task insights with checklist analytics, viewing engagement data for each task individually. Track completion rates, and user interactions to improve productivity and performance.

tasks insights - checklist

Segment Level Insights

This section displays the engagement metrics of the Checklist for the selected segment within the selected duration.

Segment level insights - secondary checklist

For instance, in the HR Department, there are 3 users actively using the checklist with an engagement of 6. Out of these, none have completed the checklist yet, while all 3 are still in progress.

You can choose between Role and Department segment groups, and view the segments along with their engagements displayed in popup balloons.