Navigating the Admin Portal Menu

Admin Console

The Admin Console is a web-based tool that hosts flows and allows the users to edit the flows created through the Editor. It is cloud-based and hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. 

Apty Admin Console and Apty Studio are two key elements of the Apty suite for developing instructional content.

Admin Console Menu vs Hosting Application Menu

The Admin Console menu (Apty Menu) is displayed on the far left side of the screen. This menu consists of the following parts:

  • System Settings: An area of Apty Assist that allows creating user accounts who can create or review instructional materials, create user roles that carry certain characteristics and permissions, configuring single sign-on options, and provides a hub for downloading required tools to create and use Apty Assist content.
  • Account Settings: General information about a user currently logged in the system.

The hosting application menu is displayed once the application you plan to work with is selected from the Apty menu. The following section gives the general overview of settings and functions offered in the hosting application aimed at configuring 

  • Manage Current Application: Once you select the application you plan to work with, click the Gear icon at the top of the hosting application menu to configure general app settings required for Apty and hosting application to cooperate: server URL, user identification options, custom JavaScript options (if any).
  • Insights
  • Apty Usage: Apty Assist also provides a detailed analysis of how well the tool is adapted to the insights to where help was accessed to complete a certain task based on individual segments. 

    Analytics comprises of below sections for detailed insights. By referring to the analytics you can go to the next level and find out what the most used workflows are and filter them based on Time period filters as referenced in the below screenshots. Similarly, analytics are designed for all features as part of Apty Assist: 
  • Managing Content: Through the Admin Console, you can effectively manage all the content that has been created. Following are the operations that can be performed in Manage content feature:

    • Create/ modify/ delete the content as needed. 
    • Add additional information for the content as documents, images, videos.
    • Categorize the content using some Tags for effective flow content management. 
  • Customization: Apty Client Customization options allow users to make global customization changes to how Apty Client will appear to your end users. It enables the user to customize the Player according to the applications interface and personal preferences. The users can also set language, assign keyboard shortcuts, export data for building reports for the organization. Click on the "Customization" tab to use the following options:

  • Publish: This section helps you to publish the content developed for the End Users to start utilizing the developed content as Workflows, Validations, Tooltips and Announcements accordingly. For more instructions on publishing refer to the respective article: