Workflows Statistics

Workflows provide step-by-step guidance within hosting web applications of any scale. Workflows are a recommended solution in the following cases:

  • a user is not familiar with the process, 
  • a process that involves multiple steps that should be performed in a specific order, or
  • rarely used process.

Workflow usage helps to measure the effective utilization of created workflows. The following article provides details on each section of the Workflow Analytics page.

PATH: Admin Console > Select application on the left sidebar > Apty Usage > Workflows

Filtering Statistical Data

For more details on filtering statistical data, refer to this article.

Trend Card

Each trend card provides quantitative measurements for User Engagement with the trend of incrementdecrement, or staying on the same level for the time interval selected in the Date Range filter at the top right corner of the screen:


Displays the number of unique users who used workflows and the tooltip provided shows the comparison of increment/decrement percentage of users based on the selected time range.


Displays the count of Workflow initiations and the tooltip provided shows the increment/decrement percentage of initiations based on the selected time range.


Displays the number of Workflow completions and the tooltip provided shows the increment/decrement percentage of completions based on the selected time range.

Workflow Usage Graph

The Workflow Usage graph will appear once the Player detects Workflow Initiations or/and Completions done by Users. The statistics from the Workflow Usage graph are all reported in the Analytics Dashboard based on the selected filtering. The display of the Workflow Usage graph can be configured according to the following settings: 

1.   By choosing the type of data to be displayed:

  • Initiation: tracks the number of flows that have been started/initiated by the end-users over a course of time 
  •  Early Exit: tracks the flows that have been initiated, but couldn’t be completed over a course of time
  • Completion: tracks the flows that have been initiated and completed successfully over a course of time

2.   Configure the time format of the horizontal X-axis by selecting whether the graph line should show details for Days, Weeks, or Months.

3.   Graph Legend. If more than one User Segments have been included in filtering options at the top right corner of the screen, the graph displays several lines each having a dedicated color specified at the bottom of the graph in the legend area. To hide a line from the graph, click its name on the Legend. If the line name in the Legend area is dimmed out, it is hidden from the graph.

Workflows Overview

Workflows Overview is the list of top initiated Workflows for this application. The list includes:

  • Completion Rate based on the ratio of completed and dropped Workflows
  • Workflow Initiations tracks the number of flows that have been started/initiated by the end-users over a course of time
  • Avg. Rating displays the average rating provided for each workflow
  • Last Updated date displays the date in which that particular workflow is last updated.

By clicking on each Workflow Name, detailed statistics of that particular workflow will be displayed.

Steps Overview

Steps Overview is the list of Workflows exited at a certain Step based on the highest drop rate. The list includes:

  • Step Number is the number of a Step on which the Workflow has been dropped.
  • Step name displays the name of the step.
  • Drop Rate is a statistics bar based on the percentage of exits.
  • %Percentage of the total number of exits.
  • Failures is the total number of failures due to any missing element.