Checklist Statistics

The checklist allows you to create a list of items or tasks that needs to be completed to achieve a certain level of acquaintance with the desired area. The checklist appears in a new tab inside the widget. Each checklist contains multiple tasks and their progress.

PATH: Admin Console > Select application on the left sidebar > Apty Usage > Checklists

Filtering Statistical Data

For more details on filtering statistical data, refer to this article.

Trend Card

Each trend card provides quantitative measurements for User Engagement with the trend of incrementdecrement, or staying on the same level for a time interval selected in the Date Range filter at the top right corner of the screen:


Displays the number of unique users who used checklists and the tooltip provided shows the comparison of increment/decrement percentage of users based on the selected time range.

Tasks Completion
Displays the number of tasks completed and the tooltip provided shows the comparison of increment/decrement percentage of tasks completed based on the selected time range.
Checklist Completion
Displays the number of checklists completed and the tooltip provided shows the comparison of increment/decrement percentage of checklists completed based on the selected time range.

Onboarding Usage Graph

The statistics from the Onboarding Usage graph can be configured according to the following settings: 

1.   By choosing the type of data to be displayed:

  • Completedtracks the trends on how many tasks have been completed throughout the defined period (for example, daily, as shown on the screen below).
  • Started: tracks the trends on how many tasks have been started/initiated throughout the defined period (for example, daily, as shown on the screen below).

2.   Configure the time format of the horizontal X-axis by selecting whether the graph line should show details for Days, Weeks, or Months.

3.   Graph Legend. If more than one User Segments have been included in filtering options at the top right corner of the screen, the graph displays several lines each having a dedicated color specified at the bottom of the graph in the legend area. To hide a line from the graph, click its name on the Legend. If the line name in the Legend area is dimmed out, it is hidden from the graph.

Checklists Overview

Checklists Overview displays the list of top of initiated checklists for this application. The list includes:

  • Number of Tasks displays the number of tasks inside that particular checklist.
  • Completion Rate based on the ratio of started and completed checklists.
  • Total Initiations is the number of times end users initiated the checklists.
  • Total Tasks Completed shows the number of executed tasks.
  • Last Updated Date displays the date in which that particular checklist is last updated.