Apty Features List

With the Apty Client, users get easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance that helps them quickly navigate through a Web Application resulting in a simplified learning process and full utilization of the software application saving the business time and money. 

Using Apty Client expertise, users never waste time or energy watching time-consuming video tutorials or pouring over manuals and FAQ pages. All the information users need is right in front of them, helping to get them where they need to go with efficiency and accuracy.

Apty is specific to each user role, needs, goals, and device; quickly and accurately adapting to any screen size and resolution. This feature effortlessly maintains data quality by proactively guiding users to resolve any issues without the need for any software changes or integration.

Additionally, there are other useful features like Workflows, Validations, Announcement, Launchers, Tooltips, Permalinks, and many more that can be used to facilitate the resources' experience and accomplish their day-to-day tasks.

This document covers all the features of Apty that help to enhance User Experience on any web-based application through applying Workflows, guidance, and data governance concepts to it, which consists of three main components, each exercising specific functions for seamless integration with the hosting application: Admin Console, Apty Studio, Apty Client/Widget.

  1. Apty Admin Console
    1. Insights
    2. Apty Usage
    3. Content Analytics
    4. Goals
    5. Manage Content
    6. Customizations
    7. Publish
    8. Bundle Management
    9. Applications Settings
    10. System Settings
    11. Account Settings
  1. Apty Studio
    1. Workflows
    2. New Content Creation
    3. Validations
    4. Launchers
    5. Tooltips
    6. Announcements
    7. Frames
    8. Activity Tracking
    9. Rule Engine
  2. Apty Client

1.  Apty Admin Console

Admin Console is a web-based tool that hosts the Apty content including Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, Launchers, and Announcements, and is used for Apty Content Delivery (controlling the publishing the status of the instructional content).

The Admin Console is a cloud-based tool hosted on the AWS platform and is compliant with the latest security policies. Admin Console also hosts the Analytics to view the ROI and effectiveness of the Apty content.

Log in to Admin Console where the user can perform key functionalities such as managing hosting applications, Apty Content, access to Analytics of tools, and element usage.

a. Insights

Apty Insights transforms your usage data into tactics for improving your productivity. Apty’s AI engine continuously analyzes your usage data in real-time to help identify where users are struggling with the software and processes and how to solve the problem.

Apty’s deep learning algorithm builds upon your usage patterns as well as other companies using the same software to provide the most advanced look at how to improve your application.

The Apty Insights Admin Panel is a web-based tool that maps the Activities predefined by the Admin user in the Apty Activity Tracking and the actual actions of end-users to analyze the significance of the difference between them. It is cloud-based and hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  • Engagement

Refers to a wide variety of methods for you to deliver training, support, and promotion to your users via Apty. 

Engagement matrix provide insights and showcase widgets containing quantitative changes which include Unique Users, Unique Sessions, Average Session Duration, and a set of graphs showing the trends for Users by Country, and Device Distribution.

  • Activities

Activity Engagement provides visual representations of how often activities are performed by end-users, as well as how often they are completed. Each data point represents a given activity and is labeled as a respective Activity title. Activity Engagement helps in:

  1. having a bird-view of user engagement in all the created activities,
  2. easy estimation of least and most used activities (the more activity is used, the further to the right on the graph it is going to appear)
  3. which activates take the longest for a user to complete (the higher on  the graph the activity is located, the longer it takes users to complete it)

Discover this section on Apty Insights for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

b. Apty Usage

Analytics is the study of past historical data and current data to examine the potential trends, analyze the effects of certain decisions or events or even evaluate the performance of any tool or situation. The goal of analytics is to improve the business by gaining knowledge that can be used to make improvements or changes. Data collected from the flows and validations will be used to show the ROI the organization can get based on the current implementation and thereby enhancing the business. 

Apty Usage helps our customers to understand overall feature usage or how a specific persona is adopting your product.

Apty Usage provides a detailed analysis of how well the tool is adapted to the insights to where help was accessed to complete a certain task based on individual segments. 

With the help of Apty Analytics, you get valuable insight into how the users are interacting with the underlying application and where they are requiring maximum help, or where they are making the most mistakes. This insight will help you make the most informed decisions when educating your users.

Once instructional materials in the form of Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, etc. are created and published on the hosting application, it is high time to see whether they are helpful for end-users and adapt or polish them for better performance. Various quantitative measurements provide insights on the level of user engagement, as well as the overall usage of the hosting application.

 Overall Apty Usage is helpful for:

  1. Providing quantitative measurement of User Engagement
  2. Identifying user roadblocks
  3. Reducing support and training costs
  • Dashboard

Focus on creating reports to track your most important metrics, then save them to a dashboard for convenient reporting and analysis.

The Usage Dashboard gives users quick access to the latest updates on the number of used Workflows, Validations, Launchers, Tooltips, Announcements, Knowledge Center Content, and Content Search and the ratio of completed/accepted/actioned items vs dropped or not accepted ones. Apty provides a general snapshot in the form of interactive dashboards, based on the information collected from the real-time user engagement data.

The best way to determine if an application has been profitable to your organization is to understand the usage of it. Analytical statistics are an invaluable functionality of Apty. 

  • Workflow Statistics

The Workflow Statistics provide insights into the effectiveness of Workflows as instructional materials by showing the number of times workflows have been used, including stats for fully completed flows and flows with an early exit. 

    •  Completed Workflows: defines the number of Workflows that have been initiated and completed successfully over the course of time.
    • Workflows with Early Exit: defines the number of Workflows that have been initiated but were dropped on a certain step over the course of time.
  • Validations Statistics

Apty plays a major role in warning and correcting the user to enter appropriate data. The Validation Statistics indicate the number of times Validations are executed, including stats with Data Corrections and Data Warnings. 

    • Data Corrections: defines the number of Validation rules that have been triggered by incorrect user entries over a course of time.
    • Data Warnings: defines the number of Validation rules that have been displayed as warning messages over a course of time.
  • Tooltips Statistics

As Tooltips provide in-place help for the end-users, the Dashboard provides the statistics for Tooltips to track the usage of Tooltips based on the action performed by the end-users and Tooltips available to the end-users. 

    • Displayed: defines the number of times the Tooltips were displayed when the user visited the respective page.
    • Actioned: defines the number of times the Tooltips were used to seek help over a course of time.
  • Launchers Statistics

Launchers enable administrators to create in-place actionable icons through which the users can start a Workflow, or show a video or a document. Launchers are rendered when the Frame is identified by the Player from the application page. These Launchers provide in-place help whenever and wherever needed. Launcher statistics dashboard provides the stats of the number of times the Launchers are used, as well as stats for the commonly used Launchers. 

  • Announcements Statistics

Announcements enable the Admin to announce any information when the end-user visits the designated page. The Announcements dial shows the statistics for Announcements actioned or displayed to the end-users. 

    • Displayed: defines the number of times the Announcement shown on the screen was displayed by the end-user over a course of time.
    • Accepted: defines the number of times the Announcement shown on the screen was accepted by the end-user over a course of time.
  • Permalinks Statistics

Permalinks are direct links to your website that automatically start a Workflow, Video, or Announcement when clicked. These links can be embedded within training resources, emails, or social media posts in order to immediately give users guidance.

If you are building Workflows targeted to users who are not already on your site, Permalinks can provide a highly effective method to engage your users or drive adoption of new features in your software. When your users click the Permalink, they will be redirected to your site, with a Workflows automatically running on the relevant page.

  • Checklists/User Onboarding Statistics

It is designed to help users direct to some critical business processes. Each Checklist has a set of tasks inside that need to be executed successfully to complete the business process. A task can imply completing a workflow, going through some Knowledge Content such as text, files, videos, or images, or opening a link to another website. 

  • Player and Search Statistics

Showcases overall analytics of user engagement of Player, which provides an idea on how much the player is useful for every action performed through the player. and thereby helps the user to measure and improve the ways the player is being used.

    • Actioned Items: displays the number of items executed in the player
    • Searches: displays the number of terms searched in the player
    • Widget Activations: displays the number of times the player opened. Read more

Discover this section on Apty Usage for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

c. Content Analytics

As enterprises expand their tech stacks, understanding tool usage and identifying user pain points becomes crucial. Apty's "Content Analytics Dashboard" helps by giving detailed information about how people interact with various types of content, such as Announcements, Tooltips, and Workflows. This dashboard tracks over 100 different metrics, like how often users view content and how long they spend on each step. With this information, companies can improve their content strategies to make tools easier to use and more effective.

To learn more about the "Content Analytics Dashboard", click here to read the full article.

d. Goals

Goals are essential for a company's success. It is also critical to keep tabs on the whereabouts of goals. Not to undermine the fact that many things can go wrong when it comes to a goal involving digital adoption or any digital process completion, resulting in the goal failure. That is where Apty's Goals feature comes into play. 

The goals feature aims to assist you in completing a digital process correctly. It is very crucial to complete a business process on time, but it is equally important to complete it with correctness, and at Apty we understand that. Your employees complete the task, or they complete the task correctly - completion and correctness - these two are the principal determinants of Apty's Goals feature.

Discover this section on Goals for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

e. Manage Content

Through the Admin Console, you can effectively manage all the content that has been created. The operations that can be performed includes:

    • Create/ modify/delete the content as needed. 
    • Add additional information for the content as documents, images, and videos.
    • Categorize the content using some Tags for effective flow content management.

  • Workflows

Apty helps you to first analyze user behavior, understand where they are struggling while using an application, and then suggest workflows. Workflows provide step-by-step guidance within an application. They act like a GPS that takes you on a journey to complete your day-to-day activities. Workflows are a recommended solution in the following cases:

    • a user is not familiar with the process
    • a process that involves multiple steps that should be performed in a specific order
    • rarely used process.
  • Validations

Apty pursues multiple goals: it navigates end-users through the complex processes in the hosting application via Workflows, reminds them about important events through Announcements, provides valuable tips and tricks via Tooltips, and verifies that the data that users provide is clear and useful via Validations. The latter is achieved by adding sufficient instructions and rules on what can and cannot be accepted as input to the page of a hosting application. 

Validations provide a way to test user input and ensure that the data provided by the user is clean, correct, and useful. The validation scope may be as simple as checking whether the field is empty or providing complex checks including powerful regular expressions and custom validations.

Validations are advanced Tooltips that provide prompts on whether the data entered is correct or not.

Through the Admin console, the user has the provision to view the validations List, add language to validations, and delete validation.

  • Tooltips

Tooltips provide contextual information on the application to assist and inform the end-users. These information icons can give you tips/suggestions or more information about anything on the page. Tooltips can provide additional information for confusing elements on the site. Users will need to hover over the Tooltip icon to see the "tip"

Tooltips are optimal for users who may need additional information on demand for some of the more complex elements.

Through Admin console, users can add language to already created tooltips.

  • Launchers

Launchers enable admins to create in-place actionable icons through which the users can start a Workflow, show a video, image, or document. Use launchers when you identify a common action (on a specific page) that may not be easily accessible as it may be hidden among other available options.

Launchers are actionable icons/buttons that provide access to a specific action within one click. The stated action can be represented as one of the following:

    • launching a workflow
    • playing a document, image, video
    • navigating to a defined link
  • Announcements

Announcements are custom pop-ups designed to announce any new feature, version release, or to provide information to the end-users. An Announcement can be built with Custom buttons that can launch a Workflow, Video, or a Document and can be displayed with respect to the following conditions: specific time frame presents certain elements on the page of the hosting application, label or field comparison, and other criteria that can be specified in the custom script. 

Announcements are useful to inform all application users or a certain segment of users about the changes/updates, and reminders. The common use cases for announcements are:
    • Inform users of upcoming features
    • Inform users about the expected maintenance and downtime of the application
    • Promote new Software practices, events, or services
    • Remind expiration of licenses of the application, etc.

Through the Admin Console, users can add language to already created announcements.

  • Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center is the repository where links to the documents, videos, images, and Q&As are stored. These items can be accessed by the users:

    • as an item in the Apty Widget
    • as a part of Onboarding collection of tasks,
    • or as an element started by a Launcher.
  • Manage Search Terms

List out all the search terms entered by the user over the results received. Admin users can edit/manage language/delete search terms inside Manage Search Terms

The intelligent search feature allows a user to filter all available instructional information by keywords and focus on relevant information only. Each Workflow and instructional element is uniquely identified within the system by its name.  

  • Labels

To provide easy access to related content, a feature is enabled to group similar content based on labels, where a user can create a label and list out the related content. Labels help you to group and categorize Workflows, Links, Images, Videos, and Texts. This will allow the user to track, filter, and sort based on a Label.

  • Checklists/User Onboarding

User Onboarding is an essential tool designed to help new users familiarize themselves with the features and processes of the hosting application. It includes a series of tasks that guide users through workflows and relevant knowledge content, such as videos or external links. User Onboarding serves as a supportive guide, assisting employees in completing initial training, establishing consistent usage habits, and enabling them to focus on their primary responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed by technical details.

  • User Segments

Segmentation is a practice of assigning users to specific groups based on characteristics they share, such as role, department, division, etc.

Apty provides integration with third-party applications like Salesforce, Workday, CA PPM, etc. This allows using application data (for example, user attributes like 'division', 'role', or custom ones) for segmenting content in Apty; meaning, a user with specific attributes may be shown content assigned specifically for them.

Segmentation use cases include the following:

    • Shoot an enhancement or change only to the relevant audience.
    • Encourage end-users who haven’t yet updated your web app to do so.

Discover this section on Manage and Organize Apty Content for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

  • Rule Engine

Within the Admin section, users have access to a detailed list of all rules configured using Apty's Enhanced Rule Engine. This dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of each rule, including the tools and content they govern. The current management option allows for the deletion of rules, ensuring the ability to eliminate any outdated or unnecessary rules.

f. Customizations

Apty Player offers seamless integration into the hosted application, and is highly customizable to match the look and feel of the application they are laid over.

Admin Console allows Admin Users to customize the Player according to the application's UI and/or personal preference.

  • Themes/User Interface

Administrators have the capability to create new themes and incorporate custom CSS within the Admin portal. These newly created themes and customized CSS will be reflected in the application's workflows and will be applied to the exported workflows as well.

  • Languages

If the hosting application supports multiple languages, Apty Player can be customized to offer translated Workflows, Tooltips, and other navigation content to align with the languages available in the hosting application, enhancing the user experience.

  • Keyboard Shortcuts

Apty is compliant with Voluntary Product Accessibility (VPA) including Revised 508 Standards related to the user interface requirements. Section 1194.21 (a) of the VPA Template states: "When software is designed to run on a system that has a keyboard, product functions shall be executable from a keyboard where the function itself or the result of performing a function can be discerned textually." (source) All Apty functions can fully be used in a mouseless, keyboard-only mode. 

  • Time Zones

Customizing the Time Zones page allows for the tailored display of Announcements within selected applications across a global organization. Given the diverse locations where employees operate, it is essential to ensure that information is broadcasted in alignment with their respective time zones. This customization of Time zones directly impacts the scheduling options for Announcements, especially in scenarios where multiple global time zones are prevalent within your organization's operational framework.

g. Publish

Publishing enables the items created using Apty studio to be accessible in the player of both the development and production environments.

The Publishing state defines the content accessibility settings and results in the following use cases:

    • Test your instructional content in the development/test environment.
    • Publish content for end-users to use in the production environment.
    • Organize your content the way it is displayed in the hosting application.

Discover this section on Advanced Customizations for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

h. Application Settings

Apty may be connected to multiple applications that require navigational assistance, instructional materials, as well as analysis of overall usage. For example, your organization may be using a customer relationship management system like Salesforce, along with a project management system and other third-party software for helping your team to cope with their daily tasks. To add instructional tools to all of these applications, your organization requires only one instance of Apty, which will serve as a hub for all of the third-party applications you are using, including custom ones. 

Overview of Application Settings:
  • General Settings: Customize application details, such as the name and key, and configure advanced options for how Apty interacts with your application's elements.
  • Environments Setup: Manage multiple application environments (like Development, Testing, Production) to test content and updates in different stages. You can toggle between environments and control where the Apty widget appears.
  • User Identification: Set up how users are uniquely identified within your application. This helps in segmenting users and targeting specific groups with tailored content.
  • Segmentation: Create and manage user segments based on various criteria (like role or department) to deliver targeted content and instructions.
  • Segment Groups: Segment Groups help categorize users based on shared characteristics. Currently, there are two default segment groups: Role and Department. These groups enhance the user experience by delivering customized content that meets the specific needs of each role and department.
  • Custom JS: Add and manage custom JavaScript for user segmentation and application behavior adjustments.
  • Content Aggregation: Group and sync information from your knowledge base to keep content up-to-date automatically on the Apty Widget.
  • Export and Import Content: Easily move content between different tenants or environments by exporting and importing files.
  • Content Level JS: Apty allows you to save and reuse custom scripts, making it easier to create content without redoing the same work. You can save these scripts as templates and use them for various content elements, like setting conditions or validations. This feature, available in the Admin Portal and Apty Studio, helps you quickly apply consistent scripts across your content, saving time and effort. If you need to update a template, you can do so in the Admin Portal, while keeping the original version intact.

To access these settings, navigate through the Admin Console by selecting the application from the left sidebar and clicking on the Settings Icon.

Discover this section on Applications Settings for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

i. System Settings

  • Managing Apty Users

User Management allows system administrators to maintain users by adding/removing them. Users can also be added as a System Administrator and every user added here can also log into the Apty Studio. Following are the details that are required to add a new user

    • User Active: Check the box to define whether this user account and its credentials should be active for login and other procedures.
    • NAME: Define the name of a user in the system.
    • USERID: Define the email for this user. Once the procedure of adding this user to the system is completed, an email with instructions on how to reset the password is going to be sent to the email of this user.
    • SSO authentication only: Check SSO authentication only if you wish to login with SSO. 
  • Roles

To provide authorization for specific feature(s) of Apty, we have implemented roles. Every user will have a role and each role will have specific set of permission(s) allowing access to the respective feature(s). Role assignment must be done based on the access desired. Web services and user interfaces have been Implemented with the access restrictions. A user can also have individual application access, instead of all the applications.  

Roles are a set of permissions that will help a user to perform a task successfully. 

  • SSO Config

Apty supports single sign-on authentication, which is a process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. Apty supports 2 types of SSO Authentication: OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0. 

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and DigitalOcean. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices. 

SAML SSO works by transferring the user’s identity from one place (the identity provider) to another (the service provider). This is done through an exchange of digitally signed XML documents. Consider the following scenario: A user is logged into a system that acts as an identity provider. The user wants to log in to a remote application, such as a support or accounting application (the service provider). 

  • Downloads

To start working with Apty Studio, Administrators and instructional content creators need to install the desktop editor application available for download from the Admin Console. 

To install Apty Studio, In the Desktop Editor section install both of the following:

    • Application: represents the tool for creating instructional content. 
    • Editor Extension for Google Chrome(a component that connects a browser with the above-mentioned Application)

To install Apty Client:

The Client is a piece of code that runs instructional materials in the hosting application. Apty offers extensions for all modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge.

  • Client Version

In the Admin System Settings, you can view and manage the version of the client for all environments across your applications that use the injected player. This feature lets you check which client version is active in each environment and gives you the ability to upgrade or downgrade the client manually. This ensures that you can test new versions in lower environments before rolling them out to production, helping to avoid any issues and ensuring smooth updates.

Learn more by checking out this article.

  • Branding

Branding is critical for any business to establish a loyal consumer base. Having the company’s branding consistent across all applications boosts trust and credibility in the eyes of customers and viewers. At Apty, we care about our partners’ brand. White labeling ensures that our partners get the best of Apty without compromising their brand identity. 

Branding aims to provide improvement in branding and to enhance the user experience for Apty partners.

In order to provide improvement in branding of partners or clients, Custom White Labeling is also introduced.

  • Translation API

In the wake of globalization, a brand must have the ability to translate its content automatically. Apty brings you this feature via Google API to give Auto Translation the prominence it deserves which allows Admins to translate the content within Workflows, Tooltips, Launchers, Announcements with only a few clicks. 

Discover this section on System Settings for a deeper dive into more detailed information.

  • Audit Trail

Apty’s Audit Trail is like a detailed logbook for all changes made to your content. It shows who made each change, what the change was, when it happened, and where it was made. This feature helps you keep track of everything that's happening with your content, making it easier to review and manage updates. Whether you’re monitoring modifications or looking into past actions, the Audit Trail provides a clear and organized way to keep tabs on your content’s history.

  • SCIM User Provisioning

SCIM integration streamlines user management by allowing centralized control of users and their access through Active Directory (AD). This setup ensures that any changes are automatically updated across all connected applications, providing efficient and instant management at scale.

Learn more by clicking this article.

j. Bundle Management

Managing your content in Apty becomes a breeze with Bundle Management, which allows you to group related items into parent and child bundles. This efficient system simplifies the process of adding, updating, and organizing content, making it effortless to maintain and deploy across various timeframes or categories.
For a detailed guide on using Bundle Management, check out this article.

k. Account Settings

User / Account Settings can be managed through the Admin Console. Password resets can be done through the Account Settings feature.

2.  Apty Studio

Apty Studio is a desktop native application that offers a user interface for creating / editing / deleting navigation instructions implemented as Workflows and other instructional elements, such as Announcements, Launchers, Tooltips, and Validations that are laid over the surface of a hosting app to help end-users learn new procedures, or perform their daily tasks in a more effective and precise way. 

Apty Studio offers a robust mechanism for identifying the web pages and starting the Workflows from the page where the end-user is located. It connects to the opened window of a web browser and implements the interaction with the hosting application for which the Workflows or other instructional elements are being created, allowing picking the elements directly in the live application, displaying live bubble preview, taking screenshots for PDF documentation, etc. The logic of the extension is split into two parts:

  • Content script that provides the interaction with the HTML of the hosting application (picking elements, highlighting hovered elements, reacting on scroll and navigation).
  • Background script that provides advanced features like taking screenshot of the target application, filtering its web requests or listening for Chrome tabs updates (for example, for knowing about open instances of the hosting application).

Users can Login to Apty Studio and create most of the instructional content which does not require any coding skills and is performed within a couple of clicks due to the intuitive user interface. The look and position of the elements added to the hosting application are previewed in the live mode.

a. Workflows

Have you ever assisted a friend or family member in setting up a new application, completing a transaction, or successfully carrying out any other online task? If so, you were likely guiding them through each step and possibly explaining any tricky parts along the way. Apty Workflows perform a similar function by guiding users through system settings, assisting in creating new entities specific to the hosting system, and navigating them through complex daily tasks while ensuring no important steps are overlooked.

Apty is designed to support end users regardless of the scale: instructional content can seamlessly integrate into enterprise applications like Salesforce through the browser extension or seamlessly become a part of your web application by adding a few new lines to the source code of the hosting application. 
Explore this section on Workflows for more in-depth information.

b. New Content Creation Experience

The latest workflow creation features in Apty provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for content creators. With a revamped UI/UX design, the platform enables users to easily record and edit workflows, even with limited programming knowledge. The full-screen recording capability in Apty Studio allows creators to capture each step without leaving their application, enhancing the process's intuitiveness and efficiency.

Apty offers two visualization styles for workflows: a vertical flowchart and a horizontal balloon view. These visual aids give users a comprehensive overview of the workflow, facilitating real-time adjustments, bottleneck identification, and user journey optimization. The ability to switch between record and navigate modes enhances the flexibility of workflow creation. Additionally, features such as adding split and floating steps, creating success messages or surveys, and inline editing further streamline the process. This enhanced workflow creation and visualization functionality significantly reduces the time needed to develop Apty content, ultimately boosting organizational productivity and efficiency.

c. Validations

Validations are essential rules used to verify the accuracy of data provided by end users when completing input fields. Ensuring that user-provided data is correct is crucial for seamless system processes. For instance, if a user enters an email address in an invalid format, it may not serve as a reliable means of communication. Consequently, important news, warnings, or instructions may not reach the user if their email address is incorrect.

Explore this section on Validations for more in-depth information.

d. Launchers

Launchers are interactive icons/buttons that prompt predefined Workflows or guide end users to access helpful resources that can enhance their daily tasks. Positioned strategically within a hosting application page, clicking on Launchers initiates specific Workflows or segments, plays instructional videos, or redirects users to URLs linking to educational materials, like additional application pages, knowledge base articles, or support services.

Explore this section on Launchers for more in-depth information.

e. Tooltips

Tooltips offer helpful insights within the application to guide and educate users. These informative icons provide tips, suggestions, or further details about elements on the page. They are particularly useful for clarifying complex features on the site. Users simply hover over the Tooltip icon to view the relevant information.

Explore this section on Tooltips for more in-depth information.

f. Announcements

Announcements serve as personalized pop-ups intended to notify users of new features, version releases, or important information. These pop-ups can include customized buttons to initiate Workflows, Videos, or Documents. Admins can utilize Announcements to communicate updates to users when they visit specific pages. Additionally, Announcements can be scheduled for a specific timeframe or triggered based on specific UI conditions.

Explore this section on Announcements for more in-depth information.

g. Frames

Enterprise-level applications typically consist of multiple pages, such as login, registration, and the home page. To aid Apty in distinguishing each page and displaying live-guidance content elements accurately, it is essential to create a page Frame. By linking elements like username and password fields to the Login Frame, Apty can easily recognize the page within the hosting application code and showcase all instructional elements specific to it.

Frames are utilized by Apty to uniquely identify each screen by analyzing the elements present on the screen. Within a Frame, various features like Validations, Launchers, Tooltips, and Announcements can be included to ensure that the assistance provided is tailored to that particular page.

The flexibility of creating any number of frames on a page allows for customization based on specific requirements.

Explore this section on Frames for more in-depth information.

h. Activity Tracking

Apty Insights functionality can be summarized in three main steps:

  • Define how a certain use case is expected to be performed, 
  • let users complete the use case without assistance, then
  • Compare the expected actions vs. actual user behavior. 
Explore this section on Activity Tracking for more in-depth information.

i. Rule Engine

With Apty's Enhanced Rule Engine, content creators can easily customize what users see based on different situations. This tool lets creators set simple rules to control when and where content appears. For example, they can show specific content to certain roles, give helpful tips at just the right moment, or share important announcements at the right time. This way, users get the most relevant information exactly when they need it, making their experience with the software smoother and more helpful.

Prerequisite: The Rule Engine is available with the New Content Creation Experience.

Display Conditions: Display conditions are key to controlling how content is shown in a software application. They help you set rules for when content should appear or stay hidden, making your content experience more personalized and context-sensitive. Here are the main types of rules:

  1. Visibility Rules: These are like "if, then, else" statements that determine when content should be visible. For example, you can set rules to show content only to users with certain roles, on specific screens, or at particular times and dates.

  2. Auto-Trigger Rules: These rules automatically start a workflow when certain actions happen, like when a user makes a mistake or completes a task. This helps guide users with the next steps or provides solutions without them having to search for help.

  3. Enhanced Branching Capabilities: This feature allows workflows to split into different paths based on specific conditions. It helps manage complex processes by directing users down different paths depending on the situation.

Learn more about the Rule Engine by clicking on this article.

3.  Apty Client

Apty Client is the key element of the Apty Suite, which makes the navigational and instructional materials created with the Apty Studio tool visible to the end-users of your hosting application. There are two ways to implement Apty Client with your application: you can install it as a browser extension in a couple of clicks or add it to the source code of the hosting application as a JavaScript code snippet. 

Key functions: providing access to the content built with Apty Studio, listening to the events, and collecting data for Insights and Analytics.

Admin users can manage the contents inside the widget by ordering the content within a Widget, Hiding a Widget on the pages with no applicable content, Frequently Used, Favorite Contents & Group Contents based on Labels. Through Apty Widget, end-user can access all the knowledge content created using Apty Studio.

Discover this section on Apty Client for a deeper dive into more detailed information.