Audit Trail Overview

With Apty's Audit Trail, you can keep track of every action made on your Apty Content, along with the date and time, the user who made it, the application it was made on, and other details.


  • Upgrade to Apty version 4.22.x or above for complete access to Audit Trail. Version 4.21 and below will display only limited information on the page.

  • Apty displays the Audit Trail in your Admin Portal that is upto 90 days old.

  • Only System Admins and Content Creators can view the Audit Trail section in the Admin Portal.
  • Apty currently supports Audit Trail for Content such as WorkflowsValidationsLaunchersTooltipsAnnouncementsChecklist, and Knowledge Center Content.


To access the Audit Trail:

1.  Login to the Admin Portal.

2.  Click System Settings in the left panel.

3.  In the System Settings page, click the Audit Trail tab.

The Audit Trail page displays the following list of items:

Attributes Description
TIME The date and time at which the action was performed.


The user who performed the action.
APPLICATION The application on which the action was performed.

The type of action performed on the content as follows:

  • Created
  • Deleted
  • Modified
  • Published
  • Unpublished
  • Reverted
DESCRIPTION A brief description on the change log of the content.

4.  Hover your cursor over an Audit Trail and then click the Details button to view a detailed description of your Apty Content's Properties and Change Log.

5.  Click Close or the x icon to close the pop-up.


  • You can also filter your Apty content based on the content type, application type, action type, or the date you want to sort your content for. 
  • You can quickly search a particular Content's Audit Trail using the User name or Content name in the Search bar.
  • Clicking the Export CSV button sends a download link of the Audit Trail to your email, where you can download the file from.                               
  • Regardless of the Content language, the Audit Log will be exported only in English.