Create and Publish Content Release Bundles

Bundle Management is a process that allows you to efficiently store and bulk manage(add, publish, or remove) Apty Content together, saving you time and effort every Release period. It comprises of the following two categories:

  • Parent Bundle: It is the main repository which encapsulates various child bundles for every Release. For example, if you want to create a common space for storing all your Release items for the first quarter of 2024, you can start by creating a parent bundle and naming it as Quarter1 2024.
  • Child Bundle: Now Quarter1 2024 can store New Releases or child bundles, like JanFebMarch, and April Releases, which include Apty Content that users can access once published.


Ensure to enable the Bundle Management feature flag to experience its benefits.

How is it useful?

  • You can seamlessly manage Content Releases by grouping multiple Content into bundles that you can bulk publish over a specific Release period or based on your needs such as, business processes, Segment Groups, etc.
  • You can determine the Content's source Version and precise Release Dates, which also makes it easier to maintain an enhanced tracking system for any modifications made to it.
  • You can restore the previous version of your Content that was operational before, in case it breaks down during the new Release.

In this article, we will learn how to group Content in a new bundle and bulk publish the bundle for Salesforce that will be released in January 2024.

Create Content Release Bundle

To create a new Content Release Bundle,

1.  Login to your Admin Portal.

2.  Select your Application from the left panel and then click Bundle Management.

3.  Click New Bundle if you haven't created one already.


  • This New Bundle is the parent bundle that can store multiple child/Release bundles.
  • If this is not your first time creating a Content Release Bundle, you can find the New Bundle button at the top-right corner of the Bundles section. 

4.  In the New Bundle pop-up, enter your parent bundle name in the Name field and then click Continue.

5.  After navigating inside the Quarter1 2024 bundle, click New Release to add a release bundle.

6.  Once the Jan Release is added, click Add Items to add your Apty Content that you want to release/publish in January.

7.  On the Content Browser pop-up, select your Apty Content and then click Add.


You can click Manage Item if you want to add or remove the required Content from the current Release.

Bulk Publish Apty Content

Once you've added you're Content to the current release/child-bundle, ensure to publish the Content to make them accessible for your end users.

To publish the Release bundle,

1.  Click the vertical ellipsis and then click Publish.

2.  Click Confirm.

Things to remember:

  • With the Bundle Management feature enabled, any Apty Content added to a bundle can be published in your Main Environment through the Bundle Management section only.
  • The Publish section in your Admin Portal or Apty Studio is where you can publish your Content for your Secondary or Tertiary Environments. To learn more, see Publishing Apty Content.
  • Every time you add a New Release to your bundle, all Apty Content from the prior release is progressively carried over to the current release with a version upgrade. This means that the Workflow version(v1) from the previous release will update to a new version(v2) in the current release. Similarly, the Workflow version(v2) will update to version(v3) in the next release.
  • Let's assume that you discover that the Workflow in the current release has been modified and is causing errors. Ideally, when you publish the Workflow, it's version should change from v3 to v4. In such cases, you can restore to the previous version(v3) of the Workflow that was operational before. Hence, the older Workflow version(v3) will be displayed rather than the new version(v4) in the current Release. 
  • An Apty Content that is present in one bundle cannot be added to any other bundles. A warning message appears when you try to duplicate the same Content in several bundles, ensuring the Content's authenticity and original source. However, you can delete the Content from the current bundle to add it to a new bundle.