Apty Client Versions

Client Version is a feature that helps Admins control Client versions they want to run globally for their end-users as well as locally on their systems. The Client Version screen features the latest and two prior major versions, for Admins to choose from.

If the latest Apty version update is 4.16, that means Apty will continue the support of versions 4.16, 4.15, 4.14, and their hotfixes until the next release.

Depending upon the way an enterprise chooses to install an application (extension mode or injected mode), the UI for the Client Version feature will appear differently. 

Why Apty Client Version?

Control Versions

Admins can control which version of Apty Client they want the end-users to use. Additionally, admins have the option to test a version, that they are upgrading or downgrading locally, before implementing the changes to all end-users. 

Stay Up to Date

Apty encourages its customers to keep their Apty components up to date. It helps Apty provide its customers with security patches, bug fixes, and other improvements and updates. The Client Version feature will comprehend the ability to inform admins about an obsolete Apty Client version.

Viewing Client Version (Extension/Injected/Hybrid Mode)

Client versions can be viewed and managed through the Apty Admin portal.

To view the Client Version:

1. Login to the Apty Admin portal.

2. Click the System Settings icon.

3. Select Client Version.

  • For systems with applications installed via extension mode, the Client Version screen appears as shown below.

    If the application URLs have been updated, click the Rebuild & Push button to reflect the new changes.

  • For systems with applications installed via injected mode, the Client Version screen appears as shown below. It displays a table of applications installed via injected mode, their environment versions, and the last modification date.

  • In the case of a hybrid model, the client version screen features control options for both extension and injected mode. 


For each application, admins can also modify environment versions independently and the modification date gets updated accordingly.

How to Control Apty Version for an Application?

You will be able to control the Client version for an application only once it's been added under the Client version screen. Apty client version can be controlled or modified for any application that the user is working upon.

To add an application under Client Version screen:

1. Select your application from the Admin Portal.

2. Click Manage Applications.

3. Under General Settings, scroll down to check the Inject Apty Client with code snippet checkbox.

When you check this option for an application, you can view that application under the client version screen. Client versions can now be easily controlled from here.

Modifying Client Versions

From the Admin portal, navigate to System Settings --> Client Version.

On the Client Versions screen, you can see the added applications and drop-downs for changing the versions.

Click Apply to see the changes.

NOTE: If a version is no longer supported by Apty, the version number will be displayed in red, which indicates that the user needs to upgrade the version at the earliest.

Client Versions Supported by Apty

Apty and its components are constantly evolving. Every month, Apty releases a new version which includes new features, bug fixes, and enhancements. To continuously leverage the latest updates and security patches, customers must keep their systems up to date. 

Points to Remember

  • Beginning with 4.16, Apty will continue to support at least 3 versions, including the latest version and 2 minor versions before the latest one. Example: 4.16.0 (latest version), 4.15.0, 4.14.0 (minor versions).
  • Within the supported versions, a patch release will be considered the latest version of that minor version. Example: 4.16.0 (latest version). 4.15 (minor version), 4.14.3 (patch release or the latest version of this minor version).
  • Custom builds will be added to the list of the supported versions for a limited period of time. Example: 4.16.0 (latest version), 4.15.1 (patch release), 4.14.3 (patch release), 4.16.0-customer1 (custom build).
  • For extension mode, the last published version will be shown as the default selected version in Downloads and Client Version Drop-down.