Apty Insights

The Apty Insights Admin Panel is a web-based tool that maps the activities predefined by the Admin user in the Apty Activity Tracking and the actual actions of end-users to analyze the significance of difference between them.

Apty Insights Dashboard is used for collecting data related to application usage, average activity per session, and error trends. Each connected application is distinguished by the unique name, what Apty plan it belongs to, and time zone it operates in.

Apty Insights can be enabled to track detailed usage data:

  • Track & Analyze how users interact with the applications and how efficiently they can complete the custom business processes

  • Track the usage based on the actual use cases and not just logins.

  • Create blueprints on how users should be completing certain activities and track the actual usage against the recommended processes.

  • Capture the user activity by custom segments, roles and regions.

Apty Insights consists of 2 sections:

1. Engagement

To view Engagement Analytics
PATH: Admin Console > select an application on the left sidebar > Insights > Engagement


Engagement section consists of the following parts:

Unique Users 

The number of unique users over the specified period of time. A unique user i.e. unique visitor on a website is a user counted only once no matter how many times they visit the site over a set period of time.

Unique Sessions

Shows the number of unique sessions. A session ends if a user has not requested or refreshed a page in the application for a specified period. By default, this is about 5 minutes.

Avg. Session Duration

Shows the statistical average of the time end users were engaged in one of the Activities.

Users by Country 

A bar chart showing top 4 countries from which users log in to the hosting application. The number of users from other countries is summed up and displayed under the cumulative category titled as "Other". By clicking on See All the detailed view for each separate country is provided.
Device Distribution 
Set of pie charts providing information on device usage for Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet. Mobile and Tablet distribution data is only applicable in case of code snippet Apty distribution (extension free).Each pie chart represents a visualization showing the proportional distribution of browsers used for working with the hosting application. In case of extension distribution only the desktop pie chart is going to display data.

2. Activities

To view Activities Analytics
PATH: Admin Console > select an application on the left sidebar > Insights > Activities

In order to have activity engagement data, user need to create activity first; For this refer to:

Learn how to create an activity

The Activities page consists of two sections:

1. Activity Engagement is a dot graph that provides visual representation of how often given activities are performed by the end users, as well as how often they are completed. Each data point represents a given activity and is labelled as a respective Activity title. This dot graph is useful for:

  • having a bird-view of user engagement in all the created activities,
  • easy estimation of least and most used activities (the more activity is used, the further to the right on the graph it is going to appear)
  • activities used by more number of customers (the higher on  the graph the activity is located, more users completed it). 

2. Activities Overview is the list of top used Activities within the system. The list includes:

  • Activity Name identifies the activity in a unique way. When the Activity is created in the Apty Activities tool by the Admin users, it is recommended that Activity should be given a descriptive meaningful name that quickly gives an idea of what it is targeted at.
  • Avg. Time is a mean time spent by end users to complete an Activity.
  • Users is a number of unique users who initiated/completed  activities.
  • Completion Rate is based on the ratio of times when the Activity has been completed vs. dropped.

Activity Engagement in Detail

To access deeper into Activity Engagement details, click on an Activity in the Activities Overview table.

Apty offers an ability to go into granular review of each activity using the number of metrics.


Activity Analysis by Segments and How it is Helpful

Users by Segment

A pie chart displays the proportionate distribution of users by pre-defined Segments. Below the chart you can see exact percentage of users who performed a given activity by segments. This data helps answering the following question: Which user segments are using this activity? 

Completion by Segments

A bar chart that helps identifying which user segments are the most / least successful in completing the activity. Based on this insight an assumption can be made that users whose completion rate is low are likely the ones who will need some guidance content. This data helps answering the following question: Which user segments are struggling with completing this activity?

Avg. Time by Segment

A bar chart that helps identifying which user segments take the longest to complete this activity. Based on this insight an assumption can be made that users who on average take longer to complete an activity are likely the ones who will need some guidance content. This data helps answering the following question: Which user segments take long to complete this activity? 

 Activity Funnel

Activity Funnel gives an overview of all steps of the Activity with a percentage bar dedicated to each activity step. This bar graph allows analyzing which steps are the most complicated for a user to perform, whether they skip them in a process or drop the activity altogether.

Activity Events

Activity Events is a table that lists all activity steps with the following supporting data:

  • Event Name identifies the event in a unique way. When the event is created in the Apty Activity tool by the Admin users, it is recommended that event should be given a descriptive meaningful name that quickly gives an idea of what it is targeted at.
  • Capture Type is the type of interaction with the element (click, change, etc.).
  • Completion Rate is based on the ratio of times when the Activity step has been completed vs. dropped.
  • Users defines the number of unique users performed this action.

Filtering Insights Data

The insights data collected per Activities can be filtered according the following criteria:

Specified Time Range

Data can be quickly filtered by choosing one of the time interval options at the bottom of the calendar pop-up:

  • Last Week,
  • Last 2 Weeks,
  • Last Month,
  • Last 30 Days,
  • Last Year,
  • Custom range.

Select the predefined or custom date range and click Apply the changes to the analytical data related to this page.