Create Workflows

Apty Workflows provide step-by-step instructions to users to complete a task on your application. Workflows act like a GPS that directs users to complete a variety of activities on your application. Workflows are a recommended solution in the following cases:

  • when a user is not familiar with the process, 
  • a process that involves multiple steps that should be performed in a specific order, or
  • rarely used process.

In this article, we will learn how to create a Workflow.

Use the following steps to create a Workflow,

1.  Login to the Apty Studio after loading it on your web browser.

2.  Click Select Application.

3.  Choose the application you want to work with.

select application-1


4.  Once the application opens, select Workflows on your Apty Studio.


Ensure that your application is connected with the Apty Studio to seamlessly create Apty content. A connected application is indicated by a green icon. If the icon appears red, refresh your Apty Studio to reconnect with your application.

  Connected Not Connected
Apty Studio connected studio not connected studio
Browser Toolbar connected browser not connected browser


5. Click the plus icon plus-3 to create a new Workflow.

6. Enter the Workflow name and description. 


To create a workflow using the New Content Creation feature, please refer to this article

You can also combine hyperlinks, images, and videos with the Workflow description to enhance user experience on your application by capturing user's attention, presenting information in a more digestible way, and helping them navigate to the page they are interested in.

7.  Provide keywords to enhance the Workflow's search.
search terms


Add descriptive keywords that may help users to find this Workflow in the Search box of the Apty Client. For example, for the Workflow describing the procedure of editing customer address, you may add keywords like: "customer", "address", "zip", "home address", "state", etc.

8.  Select the theme for your Workflow balloon from the drop-down.
themes wf


To learn how to create new themes, see Themes (Version 4.x).

9.  Select a segment to display your workflow for a specific user group in that segment.
segment wf


10.  Order your Workflow by ranking it for display.

ordering rank wf


  • Ranking enables multiple Workflows in your Apty Client to be displayed in a specific order. For example, the Workflow ranked 1 will appear at the top of the list.
  • If the Workflows are not given a specific order, they are displayed alphabetically.

11. Set the expiry time for your Workflow.
wf expiry time


The Workflow will stop displaying after 30 minutes of user inactivity by default. Yet, the user can start the Workflow from the beginning the next time they use your application. However, you can modify the expiry time as necessary while creating or editing the Workflow.

12. In addition to the Workflow expiry time, an enhancement has been included that enables workflow termination once the browser tab is closed.
terminate wf


  • This feature flag needs to be enabled for the Apty Studio.
  • This feature does not apply to applications using the Injected Player.

13. Check the Display success message once the Workflow is completed box to display a success message at the end of the Workflow.
enable wf feedback

14. Check the following checkbox based on the requirement. For more information, refer

15. Check the Display between dates box to schedule the display of your Workflow in the specified time zone between the specified dates.
schedule opt

16. Click Next.


  • The Attached tab is selected by default and is used to anchor the contextual balloon to a specific element on the webpage.
  • The Floating tab enables the contextual balloon to display independent of the selected element, on nine different positions on the webpage.

17. To create a Workflow step, click Select Element and then click the desired element on the page.


  • Select Element is a default selector when the user creates a new Workflow step. However, you can choose one of the advance selectors from the drop-down. To learn more, see Advanced Element Selectors for Workflows

18. Enter the instruction for the step.

description wf


  • You can customize the step instructions and add links, images, and videos in your Workflow using the text editor. 

19. Enter the name of the step.


  • You can customize your Workflow balloon using ADVANCE ON and HIGHLIGHT OPTIONS
    advance and highlight

20. Use the Add CTA feature to easily add buttons that launch workflows, videos, or URLs. No coding needed—just set it up and guide users to the right content.

custom cta wf

21. Under BALLOON POSITION, choose the desired position of the balloon.

balloon pos


  • You can precisely adjust the position of the Workflow Balloon by customizing the Icon offset from -ve to +ve values. 

  • When the Auto Positioning box is checked, Apty automatically places the balloon on the chosen element. The balloons can, however, be positioned in 12 different locations.
  • You can also customize your Workflows using the EXTENDED OPTIONS as mentioned in the table below,

    Auto scroll to balloon

    Once enabled, the Workflow automatically scrolls the page up or down according to the order of the steps.
    Optional Step Once enabled, the step can be declared optional. For instance, websites can skip to display the login steps by making them optional to log users in automatically on subsequent visits. To learn more, see Declare a step as Optional.
    Display when outside the viewport Once enabled, displays the Workflow balloon even when the selected element is outside the viewport.
    Mark as Entry Point Once enabled, plays the Workflow from the selected step on a new page. To learn more, see Mark a Workflow Step as the Entry Point.

22. Click Next Step.

23. Navigate to where you want to start the next step and then repeat steps 15 to 19 to add more steps.

24. Click Done.


  • Once you've finished creating the Workflow, you can preview it using the Play Workflow button in the Apty Studio.
  • To display the Workflow for your users, publish the Workflow using either the Apty Studio or the Admin Portal. To learn more, see Publishing Apty Content.