Apty Usage Dashboard - Detailed Overview

Once instructional materials in the form of Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, etc. are created and published on the hosting application, it is a high time to see whether they are helpful for end users and adapt or polish them for better performance. Various quantitative measurements provide insights on the level of user engagement, as well as overall usage of the hosting application, for example:

  • the number of times the instructional piece was used or executed,
  • Workflows completed vs exited,
  • Tooltips activated vs displayed,
  • Launchers launched vs displayed,
  • Announcements displayed vs accepted,
  • Knowledge center items viewed,
  • Player and search interactions and
  • top elements from each category.

These pieces of information come together as a puzzle and help identifying what kind of educational materials work better for current hosting application, as well as areas where end users tend to make more mistakes, which procedures are repeatedly not completed due to their potential complexity, and what extra materials help end users coping with unfamiliar tasks. Usage Dashboard is a valuable functionality of Apty.  This article provides a detailed overview of:

Workflows Dashboard

The Workflow Statistics provide insights into the effectiveness of Workflows as instructional materials by showing the number of times workflows have been used, including stats for fully completed flows and flows with early exit.

1.   Completed Workflows: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of Workflows that have been initiated and completed successfully over a course of time, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of workflows initiated will be displayed.

2.   Workflows with Early Exit: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of Workflows that have been initiated but were dropped on a certain step over a course of time.

3.This section displays top Workflows based on the number of times they have been initiated, along with the Workflow name.

For more information on Workflow Statistics refer to this article.

Validations Dashboard

Apty plays a major role in warning and correcting the user to enter appropriate data. The Validation Statistics indicate the number of times Validations are executed, including stats with Data Corrections and Valid Entries (refer to the screenshots for reference).  

1.   Data Corrections: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of Validation rules that have been triggered by invalid user entries over a course of time, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of total entries will be displayed.

2.   Valid Entries: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of valid user entries over a course of time.

3.   This section displays top Validations based on the number of times they have been triggered by the user input, along with the Validation name.

For more information on Validations Statistics refer to this article.

Tooltips Dashboard

MORE INFO: What is a Tooltip?

As Tooltips provide in-place help for the end users, the Dashboard provides the statistics for Tooltips to track the usage of Tooltips based on the action performed by the end users and Tooltips available to the end users.

1. Activations: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the Tooltips were read/activated over a course of time,also when hovered over the pie chart the count of displayed tooltips will be displayed.

2. Not Activated: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the Tooltips were displayed but not read/activated over a course of time.

3.This section displays the most displayed tooltips, along with the Tooltip name.

For more information on Tooltips Statistics refer to this article.

Launchers Dashboard

Launchers enable administrators to create in-place actionable icons through which the users can start a Workflow, show a video or a document. Launchers are rendered when the Frame is identified by the Player from the application page. These Launchers provide in-place help whenever and wherever needed. Below are some of the stats based on the Actions performed on the Launchers.

1. Launches: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the Launchers were launched/used over a course of time, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of overall displayed launchers will be displayed.

2. Not Launched: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the Launchers were displayed but not launched/used over a course of time. 

3. This section displays the most displayed launchers, along with the Launcher name.

For more information on Launchers Statistics refer to this article.

Announcements Dashboard

Announcements enable the Admin to announce any information when the end user visits the designated page. The Announcements dial shows the statistics for Announcements actioned or displayed to the end-users.

1. Accepted: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the displayed announcements that are accepted by the end user over a course of time, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of overall displayed announcements will be displayed.

2. Dismissed: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the displayed announcements that are dismissed by the end user over a course of time.

3. This section displays the most displayed announcements along with the Announcements name.

For more information on Announcements Statistics refer to this article.

Knowledge Center Dashboard

Knowledge Center is the repository where links to the documents, videos and images are stored. Knowledge Center dashboard helps to view/measure the user engagement of Knowledge Centre

1. Viewed: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the knowledge center items were viewed

 over a course of time, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of overall knowledge center items will be displayed.

2. Not Viewed: defines the section of the pie chart based on the number of times the knowledge center items were not viewed over a course of time. 

3. This section displays the most viewed knowledge center items, along with its name.

Player and Search Dashboard

Player and Search dashboard allows admins to track and analyze the player(widget) usage and interactions.

1. Results: defines the section of pie chart based on number of times end users searched using Apty player (widget) and the results were obtained, also when hovered over the pie chart the count of overall searches will be displayed.

2. Failed Searches: defines the section of pie chart based on number of times end users searched using Apty player (widget) and results were not obtained.

3. This section displays the most searched items, along with their count.

For more information on Player and Search Statistics refer to this article.