What are Workflows?

Have you ever assisted a friend or your family member with signing up for a new website, completing a transaction, or carrying out any other online task successfully? If you said "yes," then you were probably leading them through the procedure step-by-step and perhaps clarifying some of the more challenging aspects as you went. The same is achieved by Apty Workflows, which handholds users to complete a task in your application, eases onboarding, and leads users through challenging duties while ensuring that no crucial steps are skipped.

Workflows simplify the user experience by providing on-screen assistance exactly when needed to complete specific tasks. They act as a software GPS, guiding users through their daily tasks and allowing them to focus on their main goals without getting bogged down by technical details.


A few areas where Workflows can come in handy are:

  • Immediate Product Adoption: Reduces the amount of time it takes for users to adapt new software.
  • Effective User Onboarding: Whether it's an end-user exploring the system or an employee trying to master a new software product, users quickly adjust to the change and accelerate their application knowledge.
  • Productivity: Makes sure that everyone on the team completes the tasks as expected, especially when it comes to complicated or infrequently repeated operations.
  • Excellent User Experience: Apty offers user-friendly, intelligent workflows to enhance the entire user experience. Whether a user is an employee finishing a task or a client visiting your website, customized step-by-step instructions are provided at all times.
  • Accelerate Employee TrainingThe immediate and relevant on-screen guidance accelerates and trains employees while reducing the time, effort, and cost spent on training programs.
  • Measure Efficiency: Apty Admin empowers you with Analytics insights, which helps to keep track of how many users initiated Workflows, and how many of them completed or dropped them.
  • Find Bottlenecks: You can utilize Apty Analytics to learn which Workflow steps your users are likely to abandon. These observations could be an excellent place to start if you want to enhance the UI/UX of your application or simplify processes.


Since Apty Workflows are context-sensitive, they will begin with the appropriate step depending on the application page where the user started the Workflow. Users can leave a Workflow at any moment by clicking the "X" icon on the balloon.

x wf balloon

For more information, see Create Workflows.