Add Knowledge Content

Knowledge Center is the repository where links to the documents, videos and images are stored. These items can be accessed by the users using the Apty Assist Client as a part of Onboarding Collection or as an element started by a Launcher.

To add new Knowledge Content:

1.  Login to Admin Console

2.  On the left side panel select the application you plan to work with. The application menu opens.

3.  In the Application menu go to Manage > Knowledge Center. The list of materials added to the Knowledge Center via Launchers or through Admin Console opens.

4.  At the top right corner of the screen click Add New. The Add New Knowledge Content screen opens.

5.  Provide the details for the type and source of the content you are attempting to add to the Knowledge Center:


Check this box for this item to be available for end users. When the item is active, it is considered to be published. Videos, URLs and Images are going to be available as a part of onboarding collection, as a Launcher content, Text content is going to be available in the interactive Q&A form.

NOTE: If the Knowledge Content is marked as "Active", it cannot be deleted.


Provide a short descriptive name for the piece of content you are adding to the Knowledge Center. Make sure the name serves to easily identify what this piece of content is about.


Add description of the content to be added.

Content Type
From the drop-down list select which type of content you are adding. The available options are:
  • Video: a link to a video hosted outside Apty. Note: Apty does not host source video files, just a reference to them.
  • URL: a link to an external resource (document, knowledge base article,  anther web page, etc.)
  • Image: a link to an image hosted outside Apty. Note: Apty does not host source files, just a reference to them.
  • Text: may function as an instant online help or Q&A. In this case you may use the name field as a question to be asked, and Text field as a response. Response will be shown as a pop up and may consist of the combination of text, images and URLs.
URL Link
Add the source URL of the knowledge content.

6.  At the bottom of the Add Knowledge Content screen click Add. The list of the Knowledge Center is going to be updated with new entry.