Application Settings Overview


PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page appears

Apty may be connected to multiple applications that require navigational assistance, instructional materials, as well as analysis of overall usage. For example, your organization may be using a customer relationship management system like Salesforce, along with a project management system and another third party software for helping your team to cope with their daily tasks. To add instructional tools to all of these applications, your organization requires only one instance of Apty, which will serve as a hub for all of the third party applications you are using, including custom ones.

The Manage Current Application page consists of 5 tabs and functions on each of them are described in this article.

General Settings 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page>General Settings

Following are the fields on the Manage Current Application page >General Settings tab:

Application Name: Name of the application for which content is created using this Admin instance. This field has no length restrictions.
Application Key: A short unique code, which is manually assigned to the client application for easier identification within the Admin Console. It is displayed at the left sidebar of the Admin panel. It can be configured up to 3 characters max, and this is the code that has been selected from the left side-panel in step 1.
Application Type Type of the application the current hosting application refers to. Choose from the drop down list if applicable.

The container score can now be configured based on the application requirement by clicking Advanced at the bottom of the screen. Custom configurations that are specific to the application can be introduced. For example, Custom configurations include ignoring classes or ids or attributes.

NOTE: Container is a list of HTML elements between selected element and the body of the page. Container score is used to identify whether the element belongs to the page by searching for specified HTML attributes (id, class, name, and value).

For more details on Advanced Option refer to: Apty Element Selection- Advanced
Cross Origin iFrame URL's To use Widget in the cross origin iFrame; user can provide the URL's inside the Cross Origin iFrame URL's field by clicking the Manage button provided inside the field.
Cross Origin iFrame: iFrame in which contents will be coming from another domain, which is different from the domain already configured in the environment.
Player Restriction Patterns To define the pages where a Widget should not be displayed
For more details refer to: Hiding a Widget on the pages with no applicable content

Environments Setup 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page >Environments Setup

Apty supports configurable number of Application environments along with Toggle option, each application can  support multiple environments upon request. This upgrade adds more freedom for setting up Apty within defined spaces and provides the following benefits:

  • supporting multiple environments of the hosting application allows testing Apty content in lower environments without interfering with higher environments like Production or Staging that might be used for other purposes at the given time.
  •  the admin user is provided with the provision to toggle the environment as desired if more than two environments are added. In this way as per the requirement, admin's can configure different number of environments for different apps in one instance. Toggling option will be available for all environment setups, except the Main environment Setup 
  • an ability to enable / disable Apty widget for each environment allows regulating where users can see Apty within one click. 
  • can select a default environment for studio by enabling a radio button. This selected environment URL will be opened by default when you try to connect to application from studio
  • new publishing process that supports different versions of the element for different environments, Each enabled environments will be listed where ever publishing is involved. Admin user can view all the enabled environments and its publish status inside Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page >Custom JS .

User Identification 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page >User Identification

To present new features and announcements to users, we need to identify them uniquely and categorize them by segmenting the pool of all users to specific User Groups. To achieve this, Apty offers a feature that helps identifying users based on different strategies. The user identification is performed every time a user visits the application page and for every HTML change happening on the background.  

Different options for user identification are present in the Manage Current Application page of the Apty Admin Console, which helps to identify users in the hosting application. 

To know more refer to: Unique User Identification- Version 4.x


PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page >Segmentation

Segmentation is a practice of assigning users to specific groups based on characteristics they share, such as role, department, division, etc.

To create  a new segment:

  • At the top right corner of the screen click New Segment button.
  • On the Segment Rules page that appears, Provide Segment name and define the filtering criteria:
Statement Variable Condition Filter
App Variable/Custom/ Browser/OS/Device/Time Zone/User ID
contains/ equal to /not equal to /is in list/is not in list
User can create new option depending on the variable
  • User can add the filtering criteria by clicking the plus. Similarly, the added criteria can be removed by clicking the minus.
  •  Toggle the Enable button to activate this Segment; to make this segment inactive, disable it by switching the toggle 
  • Once done with the settings, click Save at the bottom of the screen 
To know more refer to What is a Segment and how is it helpful?

Custom JS 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page >Custom JS

Custom JS contains two scripts:

User Segmentation JavaScript: JavaScript that is executed to collect the data needed for Segmentation
ie, for identifying the user and creating segments
Application Level JavaScript: JavaScript to customize the application behavior at a DOM level

To know more, refer Custom JS.

Content Aggregation 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left sidebar > Click on the Settings Icon > Manage Current Application page > Content Aggregation

Content aggregation helps the clients or partners to group the information in the knowledge base with any common name/topic and display it on the Apty Widget with the grouping.

Once the Source is added in the Content Aggregation rest of process is automated. With this, clients or partners can avoid regularly updating the URL of the document whenever the information is updated. Instead with Content Aggregation, when the information in the knowledge base is updated, clients or partners can sync the data based on the sync frequency selected or you can also update the content by clicking on Sync Now option against the respective source name.

To know more, refer to Content Aggregation.

Export and Import Content 

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon>Manage Current Application page > Export/Import Content

Exporting and Importing Apty content enables users to migrate contents across tenants/environments. This feature can be easily used by the clients to export contents from a tenant/applications (in a particular file format) and then import it to a different tenant/applications.  

To know more, refer to Export and Import Content.