Apty Element Selection - Advanced

For precise selection of elements during the preparation of workflow for Host application, an advanced Control Panel enhancement has been brought inside Admin Console.

PATH: Admin Console > Select the Application from the left side bar > Click on the Settings Icon> General Settings > Advanced > Advanced Options page appears  

Inside the page for Advanced Options, the user can create conditions to ignore specific selectors by clicking the Add Condition button. Any created conditions will ignore the dynamic selectors thereby allowing precise selection.

Dynamic Selectors

A dynamic selector uses a variable or an argument as a property for the attribute of your target tag. This allows the selector to easily identify a target element based on the value of the variable or argument, and not an exact string, which might change, depending on interactions inside our application. As such, the variable or argument can be changed to interact with a different element, without changing the selector itself.

Once clicked, conditions can be created as listed:

  1. A dropdown button appears against IF/OR IF condition where the user can select the desired selectors. Apty provides the following selectors:                                                                                  
  2. Select the operator. Apty provides the following operators to choose from: 
  3. Enter the value to be ignored.                                               

More conditions can be added by clicking the plus button. Similarly, the added conditions can be removed by clicking the minus button.

Attribute Priority

The user can set the priority for defining the selector inside the Attribute Property field.

NOTE: User can add the selectors separated by a comma inside the Attribute Priority field;
For Ex: if id, class, href are entered inside the field then id will be given the highest priority and href will have the least priority.
A selector which remains unique and consistent during selection of element can be given higher priority

Container Score Threshold

Defines the accuracy of the selector; as per the defined threshold, element selection can be made more precise. Inside the Container Score Threshold field user can set the threshold value, any selector below the threshold value will be ignored.

Max Z-Index

The user can set the maximum Z-index for content displayed on the application inside the Max Z-Index field. The Z-index value ensure that the element is always on top.

Other functionalities

Facility is also provided to enable the following functionalities:

  • Detect top window DOM changes in the iframes.
  • Detect iframe DOM changes in the top window.
  • Enable shadow DOM support                                                                                                  Essentially adds Automatic Element Selection Support for the Apps/Websites that are built using Shadow DOMS. This aids in solving any element selection issues faced by the users.
  • Reduce Workflow auto-scroll animation.