Version 4.22.20 November 2023

Check out what's new, updated, or modified in Apty!

Import Translations for Workflows

With Apty's new Import Translation functionality, you can optimize time and cost by mass importing specific Workflows in several languages into your Admin Portal without relying on any third party applications.

import translations

To learn more, see Import Translated Apty Content.

Position the Content within the Element

You can precisely adjust the position of the Apty Content such as Workflows, Launchers, Validations, and Tooltips within a selected element by customizing it's offset from -ve to +ve values that moves the Content towards or away from the element.

Apty content offset

For example, if you want to attach your Apty Content to a specific component present within the selected element, this functionality can be useful. The Apty Content is ideally positioned outside of the selected element by default, but you can also position it inside of it by using the offset bar.

To learn more, see Create Workflows.

Setting the Expiry Time for Workflow Display

You can now set your Workflows to terminate after 30 minutes of user inactivity on your application. However, you can modify the expiry time as necessary while creating or editing the Workflow. The user can restart the Workflow when they revisit your application.

exiry time

To learn more, see Set the Expiry Time for Workflow Display.