Translate your Apty Client and Workflow balloon Labels into the language of the host application

Your application language may appear differently for users residing in different countries. For a better user experience, you can translate both your Apty Client's and Workflow balloon's user interface labels as well as the Apty Content it stores into the language of the host application.


  • English is the default language given.
  • The latest Apty version enables you to auto translate your content like Workflows, Tooltips, Launchers, and Announcements using Google Translation API. For example, if the selected language of the host application is French, Apty automatically translates and displays the content of the Apty Client in French. To learn more, see Auto Translate Apty Content.
  • Auto Translation is a feature flag. Contact your Apty Assistant to enable this feature.

Apty Users given the role of the System Administrator or Translator can change the language of the content from English to any of the available languages. To learn more about Apty user roles, see Predefined User Roles.

Translating your Apty Client and Workflow balloon Labels into the language of the host application is a two-step process:

Step 1: Add New Languages to your Application

You can translate the labels into other languages only after you add the necessary languages to your application. For example, you must first add French to your application if you want to display texts in your Apty Client and Workflow balloon labels in French.

1.   Log in to the Admin Portal.

2.  Select your application from the left pane.

3.  Click the Customization dropdown and then select Languages.

customisation language


The Player(also known as the Apty Client) tab is chosen by default when you enter the Languages page.

4.  Scroll down and then click Manage Languages.

5.  From the list of languages, select the ones you want to add to your application.

add language


Apty currently supports 40 different languages.

6.  Click Save.


You can also change the default language of Apty Client/Player from the PLAYER DEFAULT LANGUAGE dropdown.


Step 2: Translate your Apty Client and Workflow Balloon labels

Translate your Apty Client's User Interface Labels

In this section we will learn to add translation for the Hindi interface of the Apty Client.

1.  In the Languages page, select the added language tab.


  • The labels' default texts will be visible to you in the language you choose, but if you'd like to change them, you may manually provide your own text to the key UI elements to display to your end users. All the changes can be previewed in real time.

2.  Customize the Apty Client header labels.

Banner Header Enter the text in your preferred language to be displayed on the Apty Client header when it is collapsed. E.g: Need Help?
Player Header Enter the text in your preferred language to be displayed on the Apty Client header when it is open and active.
Search Box Placeholder You can change Search box placeholder in the Apty Client in your preferred language. E.g: "Search..", "Search for instructions..", etc.

3.  Customize the labels for the Apty Client tabs.

Help Tab Enter the text in your preferred language to be displayed on the Help tab.
Checklist Tab Enter the text in your preferred language to be displayed on the Checklist tab. Eg: Tasks, To Do, etc.

4.  Customize the labels for other properties in the Apty Client.

Settings For Settings, enter the text in your preferred language to enable users to configure your Apty Client settings.
Language For Language, enter the text in your preferred language to enable users to change the content language in your Apty Client.
Player language Enable the Player Language toggle to include more languages to the default player language list.

5.  Click Save.

Translate your Workflow Balloon's User Interface Labels

You can customize the label texts in your Workflow balloons and buttons to the language of the host application.

lang client

1.  In the Languages page, select the added language Tab.


  • The labels' default texts will be visible to you in the language you choose, but if you'd like to change them, you may manually provide your own text to the key UI elements to display to your end users. All the changes can be previewed in real-time.

2.  Click the Workflow tab.

3.  Customize the labels on the Workflow Balloon.

Next Button For the Next Button, enter the text in your preferred language to enable users to move on to the next step.
Done Button For the Done Button, enter the text in your preferred language to enable users to close the Workflow.
Submit Button For the Submit Button, enter the text in your preferred language to enable users to submit a feedback.

4.  Customize the labels of the Error Message.

Error Title For the error title, enter the title in your preferred language to display to users when the Workflow fails.
Message For the error message, enter the description in your preferred language to display to users when the Workflow fails.

5.  Click Save.

You can now view your Apty Client and Workflow Balloon UI labels in the language of your choice.

You can also translate your Apty Content like Workflows, Validations, Launchers, Tooltips, and Announcements to the new languages added to your application. To learn more, see Translate your Apty Content into the language of the host application.