Predefined User Roles

User Roles are a set of permissions that will help a user to perform a task successfully. Apty consists of predefined user roles and also gives you the flexibility to create new custom roles.

Custom Roles can be created and assigned to users by the System Administrators. While creating custom roles, take care of all the permissions that will be required to complete a task. Application access and correct set of permissions will help users to complete the tasks related to their scope of work.

There are some predefined user roles that can be viewed. To view them:

  1.  Login to the Admin Console.

  2.  On the the bottom of the left side panel click the Settings icon. The System Settings page opens.

  3.  In the System Settings page, select the Roles tab. A page listing all the default user roles open. 

Following are the roles that exist by default in the system.

User Roles


Dashboard Viewer

This role comes without an editor access and allows to view dashboard and application analytics. 

Application Administrator

An Application Administrator is responsible for creating and managing data related to the applications to  which he has access. Application Admin is responsible for managing and customizing a specific application(s). Users with this role can create and view data in both Admin and Editor, and will not have access to any system level settings.


This role focuses on application customization (Player theme, Keyboard shortcuts, Language, Time zone etc.).


A Publisher is a user with permissions to view Data(Flows, Validations, Launchers, etc.) and change the publishing status of the same data. A publisher can view the data in Admin and Editor both, but he cannot edit any data related to the tool.


A Translator will be able to see the Content/Data (Flows, Validations, Launchers, etc.). and can create translations for the content present.

Analytics Manager

This role has access to not only viewing dashboard and application analytics, but also managing SFTP configurations.

Content Manager


A Content Manager can create, approve/reject, and publish content.

Content Creator(with Publish access)


This user role can create content, request content for approval, modify, and publish content once approved.

Content Approver


This user role has the ability to review, approve or reject content sent for approval request, and send feedback to the content creator for any modifications.

Content Creator


A content creator has permission to create, edit or delete data (Flows, Validations, Launchers, etc.). A user with this role has access to both the editor and player and can make the necessary changes to the applications he has access to.

System Administrator


System Administrator is a person who has all the permissions for the system (Admin and Editor). This user role can create, delete or edit any content, configure system level settings (System Configuration ) like SSO, Scheduler etc., and can also create users and custom roles. They can also manage Application level settings (General settings) and Data (Flows, Validations, Launchers, etc.) for the application he/she has access to (Application access is given at the time of user creation).

To know about how to create Custom user roles, see Custom User Roles.