How is Apty useful?

Apty can be used to create various types of help content to ease onboarding and accelerate training on web-based applications. Here are a few examples of how our features are used.

Create guided product flows

Guide your users with on-screen instructions through various tasks in your application with the help of Workflows. For more information, see Create Workflows.

Create validation observers

Use Validations to ensure that user input in any field adheres to a given format or requirement. The validations are indicated by an i icon next to the input fields. You can also prevent end users from clicking certain buttons until a Validation has been satisfied. For more information, see Create Validations.

Launch your content instantly

Use Launchers to prompt any element on your application page to launch your content, such as Workflows, videos, and links. For more information, see Create Launchers.

Create contextual tips

Use Tooltips to display contextual information about a UI on a page. For example, a tip to help with entering information in a form. For more information, see Create Tooltips.

Show important information

Use Announcements to welcome new users and display important information as a pop-up on a specific page of an application in the form of links, texts, images, and videos. Buttons within an Announcement can be triggered to launch Workflows, Videos, or URLs on a specific application page. For more information, see Create Announcements.

Track your application engagement

Activity Tracking enables you to track user actions and their engagement on your application. You can get an overview of how frequently the elements in your application are used through Activity Tracking analysis, which helps you make better enterprise software adoption decisions. For more information, see Create Activity Tracking.

Activity Tracking

Arrange and display instant help 

Use Apty Client to arrange and display contextual information(such as Workflows, Knowledge Center Content, and Checklist) for users to complete a task on the application. For more information, see Apty Client Installation and Distribution.

Apty Widget

Create Training plans

Use Checklist to display a personalized list of tasks that users need to complete that accelerates the training pace and helps end users focus on their primary goals. For more information, see Create a Checklist.


Track Analytics

Utilize Apty Usage to gain valuable insights into how users interact with your content. Through various quantitative measures, you can track user engagement levels and overall usage of the hosted application. For more details, refer to Apty Usage.