Apty Usage - Getting Started


What is Apty Usage?

Apty Usage helps in studying past historical data and current data to examine the potential trends, analyze the effects of certain decisions or events, or even evaluate the performance of any tool or situation. The goal of Apty Usage is to improve the business by gaining knowledge that can be used to make improvements or changes. Data collected from the workflows and remaining toolsets will be used to show the ROI the organization can get based on the current implementation and thereby enhancing the business.

How Apty Usage helps?

Once instructional materials in the form of Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, etc. are created and published on the hosting application, it is high time to see whether they are helpful for end users and adapt or polish them for better performance. Various quantitative measurements provide insights on the level of user engagement, as well as overall usage of the hosting application, for example:

  • The number of times the instructional piece was used or executed,
  • Workflows completed vs exited,
  • Tooltips displayed vs read,
  • Announcements displayed vs accepted, and
  • Top elements from each category.

These pieces of information come together like a puzzle and help identify what kind of educational materials work better for current hosting application, as well as areas where end users tend to make more mistakes, which procedures are repeatedly not completed due to their potential complexity, and what extra materials help end users coping with unfamiliar tasks.

How to access Apty Usage data?

PATH: Admin Console > Select Application from the left sidebar > Apty Usage

Inside Apty Usage section, data per each system entity (Workflows, Validations, Tooltips, etc.) is collected separately and measured with respect to the specifics of their usage (for example, for Tooltips: how many were displayed and read, for Workflows: how many were initiated and completed, etc.) and compared with numbers collected for the previous time interval defined in filter options.