Create Activity Tracking


Ensure that a Frame exists for the page you want to create Activity Tracking on. To learn about the importance of Frames in Apty, see What are Frames and Create Frames.

To create an Activity Tracking that tracks a user's activity on your application,

1.  Login to the Apty Studio after loading it on your web browser.

2.  Click Select Application.

3.  Choose SFL from the list of applications to launch Salesforce in your browser.


  • Ensure that you have added your applications to the Admin Portal before creating any content on it. 
  • SFL is a default keyword created during the process of adding Salesforce to the Admin Portal.

4.  Once the application opens, select Activity Tracking on your Apty Studio.


You can create Apty content only if the application is connected with the Apty Studio. A well connected application is indicated by a green color icon.

5.  Click the plus icon to create a new Activity Tracking.

6.  Click Start Capture.


Ensure that your Apty Studio is connected to a Frame. If not, select a Frame from the dropdown.

7.  Hover your cursor over the events/elements on the page and then click the ones you want to capture.


Every event that you capture on the application page is displayed in the Apty Studio in real time.

8.  Click the Recording button to stop capturing events.


  • By dragging and dropping the events in the Apty Studio, you can easily rearrange them in the order you choose.
  • Click Resume Recording to capture more events.

9.  Click Continue.


You can also click Edit Events to reselect or edit existing events. edit events.png

10. Add a Name for your Activity Tracking.

11. Click Add Conditions that enables you to add business-compliance conditions to streamline the flow of user activity on your application.

12.  From the Select Rule Type dropdown, choose a condition that, if satisfied, executes the Activity Tracking on your application.

Condition Description
On Screen Element Clients or partners can add CSS selector for the required element which needs to be considered for the activity tracking from the Developers console and select the required operator from the Select Operator dropdown to define a condition.
Storage By collecting the necessary storage key details from Developers console (under Application section) and by selecting the required operator from the Select Operator dopdown then adding the respective value for the key a condition can be defined. Apty provides option to add Windows variable, Local Storage, Session Storage or Cookies Storage as Storage type to track the Activity.
Page With this, Apty's clients or partners can define a condition for an activity by adding the page properties such as Page URL, Page language, Page path, Timezone, etc. from the Page property dropdown then select the required operator and add its respective value.
Device This condition can be used if clients or partners want to track the activity of the user based on the device they are using to complete the task. By adding the device properties such as OS version, Browser name, Browser version, etc. from the Device property dropdown then select the required operator and add its respective value to define the condition for the activity.
Date and Time This condition can be used if clients or partners of Apty need to define the activity based on date and time. Any date or time which is out of the range for the added condition then the activity will be considered to be failed.
Activity Events Apty's clients or partners can track the activity based on the events present in the activity. User can either select for Event value or Augmented data options, when Event value is selected user can define the condition based on events available for that activity. When Augmented data is selected user needs to define a custom JS from Data Augmentation section and need to enter the JSON key value returned from the script to define a condition.
Segments User can either select for Segments or Segmentation data options, when Segments is selected user needs to define the condition based on the list of segments which are already created and available in the admin console. But when Segmentation key is selected user needs to enter the JSON key value returned from the script in Custom JS section in Admin console to define a condition.
Custom JS User can add the condition by writing any custom JS and if it returns true it will be considered as a valid activity.

13. Click the Exit Point button and then select the event you want your Activity Tracking to end at.

14. Click Save.


  • Once you create the Activity Tracking, you can enable it to operate by publishing it either through the Admin Portal or the Apty Studio.

  • With the Data Augmentation, users can also add custom JS scripts to create conditions/rules for specific Events.
For more details, refer to the following video tutorials: