Ordering the content within Apty Client Widget

Two types of Apty content are displayed in the Widget: Workflows and Knowledge Center Content (Q&A or text, videos, images, and  links to external documents).

Refer to the following articles to learn how to create these types of content: 


  • If no particular order should be assigned to the content in the Widget, its items are displayed in the alphabetic order.
  • The same ordering rank used for arranging content in the widget is also applied to organizing them within a checklist.

To order the content within the Widget, use Ordering rank as a guidance. Every element is assigned a number and the Widget orders elements with regards to their ordering ranks in the ascending order. 


If 2 items have the same ranking, they are ordered alphabetically.

To assign display order to the Workflows:

1. Log in to the Apty Studio application and select the hosting application you plan to work with. The Apty Studio menu opens.
studio menu

2. Click on the Workflows icon. You are redirected to the list of the Workflows available for this hosting application.

3. Select 1 of the following scenarios:

  • To start creating a new Workflow click the (+) icon at the top right corner of the Apty Studio.
    Add new wf
  • On an existing workflow, open the workflow and click the vertical ellipses vertical ellipses > Settings
    settings studio

4.   In the New / Edit Workflow screen define the Ordering Rank.
wf ordering rank

5.   Proceed with Workflow creation or save the changes made.

To assign display order to the Knowledge Center content:

1. Log in to the Admin Portal.
Admin login

2. Select the desired application from the left-hand panel to open the application menu.

3. In the Application menu go to Manage > Knowledge Center. The list of materials added to the Knowledge Center opens.
manage kc

4. Select 1 of the following scenarios:

  • At the top right corner of the screen click Add New. The Add New Knowledge Content screen opens.
    add new kc
  • Locate the knowledge center item you are attempting to edit, click the vertical ellipses vertical ellipses at the end of the row and select Edit in the context menu. The Edit Knowledge Content screen opens.
    edit kc

5.   In the Add / Edit Knowledge Content screen define the ordering rank of the element.
kc ordering rank

6.   To ensure that end users can access this content, make sure to publish it.