How does Apty Client work?

Apty Client is implemented as a multi-platform browser extension and is available for the majority of modern browsers. In order to fulfill this requirement, the extension is designed as a very simple piece of code that injects application's JavaScript directly to the target application. This means that there is no background script and the Apty Client runs directly in the context of the end application.

How to Use Apty Client? 

To view content using Apty Client, you can install the Apty Client as a browser extension or add it as a JavaScript code snippet to your hosting application's source code. Both methods imply the same logic of integrating the Apty Client with the hosting application. Upon successful implementation, the Apty Client will appear in the hosting application's web page based on the specified location.

There are two basic approaches to working with Apty Client after installation.

1. Enabling Apty Client

2. Creating Content in Apty Client

Enabling Apty Client

The created content in Apty Client can be seen by the end users only if the Apty Client has been enabled. To enable Apty Client:

1. From the Admin portal, select an application.
select application

2. Click Manage Application icon.

3. Select Environments Setup.
click configure-1

4. Click the Configure button.

5. Select the appropriate option: 
Either Enable for all users or Enable for select segments
 configure client

Creating Content in Apty Client 

Once you have added the Apty Client extension successfully, and you can view the client on your web page, let's understand how to populate the Client with Workflows and Knowledge Center content.

1. Having at least one Workflow to view the contents is mandatory. See Creating Workflows 

2. Once you create a Workflow, publish it. See Publishing Workflows.

3. In a similar way, add a Knowledge Center item. See Adding Knowledge Center content

4. Publish Knowledge Center content.


Workflows and Knowledge Center contents are visible to users only after they have been published. 

Where can End-Users find the Client? 

After completing the content creation process, the Apty Client will appear by default in a red color scheme with a light-themed layout, positioned at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The Client in the hosted application screen looks like this-

apty client


The Apty Client can be customized, allowing users to personalize the name of the client based on their specific needs and preferences. (In the provided screenshot, the Client is automatically labeled as "Need Help?" by default.).

Components of Apty Client

Apty Client consists of the three basic elements as seen in the figure below:

1. Search bar

The intelligent Search feature allows a user to filter all the available instructional content using keywords or the title of the content and focus on relevant information only. Each Workflow and instructional content is uniquely identified within the system by its name. For example, for the Workflow describing the procedure of editing customer address, a Workflow author may add keywords like: "customer", "address", "zip", "home address", "state", etc.
search bar

2. Help tab

Once you click on the Apty Client, it will directly land you on the Help tab. This is where the end-user will find all contextual knowledge contents related to business processes that they need to perform. Admins provide these contents to help users navigate through the hosted application and complete business processes efficiently and correctly. The Apty Client Help tab connects an end user with the contextual information, such as Workflows, Videos, and other knowledge center content. 

help tab

3. Checklist

The Checklist tab lists procedures consisting of multiple tasks for new users of the hosting application.

The direct functionality of the Apty Client is to launch Workflows and access content in the Knowledge Center. Apty Client also loads other key features, which are independent of the Workflows and are always running in the background like Validations, Tooltips, and Announcements.

checklists tab

Navigating through Applications using Workflows

To start navigating on an application, you can play the workflow. There are two ways to use or play a workflow –

1. Auto play mode

2. Manual play mode

To start the Workflow on autoplay mode, click on the Auto button right next to the title of the Workflow, as shown below. It allows Apty client to automatically complete the task for you, without having to click Next after completing every step.


Another method is where users can choose the manual mode and go through the flow on their own. 

  • Start the Workflow by clicking on it.
  • Collect information provided by the guiding elements, perform each step on your own, and complete the task. 
  • To exit the workflow at any point in time, click on the icon on the balloon. 
  • While going through the Workflow, click Next to go to the next step of the process.