Create Frames

Frame is a webpage in your application that hosts Apty Content like ValidationsLaunchersTooltips, and Announcements that are unique to it. In Salesforce, for instance, an announcement for the Home page can hold information different from the announcement on the Leads page. For you to seamlessly create and display these two Announcements on their respective pages, you need to create and connect them to their respective page Frames.

Use the following steps to create a new Frame for an announcement on the Salesforce Leads page.

1.  Login to the Apty Studio after loading it on your web browser.

2.  Select SFL to open Salesforce on your browser.


  • SFL is a default keyword for Salesforce application.
  • To create any content on your application, you must first add it to the Admin Portal.

3.  Once the application opens, navigate to the Leads page where you want to create the announcement.

4.  Click Announcements on the Apty Studio.

5.  Click the Dismiss button on the pop-up message.


  • A message appears asking you to create a new Frame if one doesn't already exist for the page you're on. Remember that you can only create content like ValidationsLaunchersTooltips, and Announcements on a webpage where a Frame has already been created. 
  • If a Frame already exists, Apty Studio will automatically connect to it and you can proceed to create your Apty Content.     

6.  Click Create New Frame.

7.  Enter Leads Page in the Enter Frame Name input field.


The Frames must be given a meaningful name for easy identification

8.  Click the Advanced Identification ellipsis.
9.  Select one of the following conditions to include in your Frame to uniquely identify the page:
Condition Description


Anchors functions like bookmarks for application pages. To make it easier for Apty to identify your application page, you can create a unique page Frame and anchor your page elements to the Frame. For a more accurate page identification, multiple Anchor points may be added.

Custom Script Use the page's Custom Script which consists of attributes such as class, id, placeholder, etc,. to accurately identify the page.
URI Hash Regular expressions in the page's URI assist you in retrieving the precise name or location of your page so that it may be linked to the Frame, which Apty uses to identify the page.
Label Comparison If the comparison of the label-value combination on the application page returns true, the Frame is connected to the webpage, allowing the Apty Content to be created and displayed on the page.

For more information on how the conditions work, see Frames Identification Conditions.

10.  Click Save to start using the new Frame.

Note: The Save button is disabled by default and enabled only after entering the Frame name and selecting an identification condition.