Copying Workflows to Another Application

In the scenario when you are dealing with multiple unified applications (for example, when applications represent separate countries, but their design and functionality mimic one another), you do not have to recreate content for each application from scratch. Workflows and Knowledge Center content can be reused by copying them from the source application to the target application(s). 

NOTE: Before copying the Workflows, make sure that source and target applications share the same or similar design. Even if design of certain pages is not identical, Workflows can be reused fully or partially.

To copy Workflow(s)

1.   Log in to the Admin Portal. 
Admin login

2.   On the left-side panel select the application you intend to work with. The application settings menu opens.
select application png

3.   In the Application menu navigate to Manage > Workflows. The list of the Workflows opens. 

4.   Select ALL or specific items from the grid. The number of items will be dynamically updated at the bottom of the page as shown on the screen below.

copy wf

5.   At the right bottom of the page click Copy. The Copy Content screen opens.

6.   In the Copy content screen select 1 or multiple target applications to which the selected Workflow(s) should be copied.

7.   Click Continue. After the copying process is completed the success message is going to be displayed.

8.  Go to the target application and verify whether the Workflows are present there. By default, copied Workflows are going to be in the Unpublished Status and cannot be seen by the end users unless published. It is recommended to preview the workflow to ensure that steps are displayed correctly and are mapped to the expected elements.