User Segmentation for CA PPM Integration

Reference: What is User Segmentation?

The crucial information required for segmenting users is retrieving identifiers assigned to each user profile. 

The out of the box version of Apty Suite offers user identification and segmentation. The solution offered by Apty is implemented by determining screen elements. As an alternative, some of the customers are expecting identification and segmentation to be performed based on the permissions (security groups) assigned to the current user in the hosting application.

In order for Apty to obtain the username and groups assigned to the current user in the hosting application (in the given example CA PPM), Apty securely communicates with an CA PPM server.


For more details on how user segmentation is performed with CA PPM integration, contact your Customer Success representative.

Using CA PPM data for Segmentation in Apty Assist:

To create segments using the values obtained from CA PPM:

  1. Go to Apty Admin Console > Salesforce > Manage > User Segmentation.
  2. At the top right corner of the screen click Add Segment.
  3. In the opened window fill out the fields as shown below:

Provide a unique name of the segment, preferably identifying the criterion by which the end users are to be groped (for example, System Administrators). Once connected to the CA PPM instance, this name is going to be displayed in the Apty Assist Client > Connected Segments section.

Segment Type:

In the drop-down list select “User Variable”.

Variable Name:

Define in the following format:

LN_GROUP_<group name from PPM>

Variable Value:

Define in the following format:

<group name from PPM>