Add Custom User Roles

To add new custom user roles,

  1.  Login to the Admin Console.

  2.  At the the bottom of the left side panel click the Settings icon. The System Settings page opens.

  3.  In the System Settings page, select the Roles tab. A page listing all the default user roles opens.

  4.  Click Add Role. The Add New Role screen opens.

  5.  Define the following details for a new role:

  • Role Name: Provide a unique descriptive name of a user role you are about to create.
  • Role Description: Ideally, describe the user role and define what sort of scope of access and permissions this user is supposed to have. In the given example, we are creating a "Publisher" user role. We assume that this user is going to test  and publish Workflows and Frames and all the instructional content assigned to it.
  • Permissions: With respect to the user role and expected scope of access, define permissions for this type of user. Each system entity (Dashboard, Analytics, Toolset, etc.) has its own set of access options ranging from None to View and Modify etc. For more information, see Permissions.