Importing Workflow Translations

To import workflows make sure that you have the administrative access to the Apty platform and Translated content prepared in an Excel file (Xls or xlsx format).

To import Workflow translations:

  1. Login to your Apty admin.
  2. Select the desired application.
  3. Click on the "Manage" tab and choose "Workflows."
  4. Choose the workflows you'd like to generate the template for, allowing you to input translations for each specific workflow. 


Export Translations Template:

  • Choose the workflow for translation.
  • Click on "Export Translations" to generate a template.
  • Select required languages and confirm the export.
  • Download and extract the translation template.

Add Translations to Excel:

  • Open the Excel file; columns represent languages.
  • Add translated content for steps, workflow name, success message, and feedback text.
  • Note: The sheet contains HTML code for steps, success message, and feedback.

Save and Prepare for Import:

  •  Save the Excel file with translations.
  •  Navigate back to the "Manage Workflow" page in Apty.

Initiate Import:

  • Click on "Import Translations" in the workflow page.
  • Select the Excel file(s) containing translations.
  • Upload file(s) and click "Open."

Validate and Correct Errors:

  • The system validates the file for errors.
  • If errors are found, they are listed. Hover to view details.
  • Correct any errors in the Excel file before proceeding.
  • Or, If your uploading multiple file, and have some files with errors, user have to remove the errored files and continue with import if there are any valid files.

Click here to see a list of potential errors that may occur.

Import Validated Files:

  • After validation, click "Import."
  • A success message appears upon completion.

Verify Imported Translations:

  • Check workflows for the newly imported language(s) by clicking "Manage Languages."
  • View the translated content for your workflows.


  1. Ensure translated content in the Excel file follows the same format as the exported template.
  2. Refer to the desired format by clicking on "File Format" if needed.