1. Customer Support Center
  2. Security, Privacy, and Compatability

Data Collection and Storage

Apty is committed to the strictest obligations regarding user data collection and processing and does not collect, accept, handle, process, receive, transmit or store any confidential, regulated, personal, private, sensitive, health, or credit card information. Note that Apty collects metadata in order to deliver the highest quality statistics to the application owner: a summarized table of information about the overall usage of the hosting application and progress made while completing specific workflows.


Data Collected by Apty

Apty servers store two types of data:

  • Instructional content (data created using the Editor, for example, Workflows, Tooltips, Announcements, etc.), and
  • Analytical data (data sent from the Apty Widget, such as user clicks, workflow plays, flow errors, etc.).

When adding instructional content over a specific form field in your application, Apty Client stores the HTML parameters for identifying and locating this field among other elements listed in the page container. This information is represented by attributes of this element (id, class, or name) and does not track or store field input. The same logic applies to validating user input. While the validation process is, by definition, meant to analyze field input in order to ensure that the entered data meets specified criteria, this process is performed in real-time and the checked values are not collected and stored in the database.

For example, if a bank customer user launches a Workflow that directs them on how to perform a task in their bank online account, the only information that will be sent from the browser to the Apty server is:

  • The Workflow balloon steps that have been shown in the application,
  • Data corrections/warnings flags,  
  • Tooltips actioned/displayed, 
  • Launchers actioned/displayed, and 
  • Announcements accepted/displayed.

Attributes collected by Apty:

Attributes Description
os Gets the name of the operating system from which the hosting application has been accessed.
browser Defines the browser used to access the application.
language Detects the current language of the browser.
device Detects the name of a device from which the hosing application is accessed.
browserVersion States the version number of the browser that sent the current request.
deviceModel The name of a device from which the hosting application has been accessed.
timezone Specifies the time zone offset from UTC, in minutes, to use for the current session.
screenResolution Width and height properties of the screen.


Domain Location

url URL details.


Event Details: general information about user actions relevant to the hosting application.

timestamp Date and time when the event happened.
referrer A field that identifies the address of the webpage (i.e. the URI or IRI) which is linked to the resource being requested.
pageTitle Defines the document's title that is shown in a browser's title bar or a page's tab.
event Represents user actions (clicks, page update, typing, page errors, etc.). Note that no user input or selection is collected, Apty only registers that one of the actions stated above has been performed.
elementSelector Represents the location of the actioned web element within the application’s DOM (document object model).


Metadata collected with Apty serves as research material for building analytical reports for providing admins with helpful insights on application usage patterns, task completion rate, common mistakes made by the end-users, as well as by Activity Tracking for defining the sequence of user actions. This information can be used for getting insights about the user behavior, ideas for better UI/UX, frequency and completeness of established Workflow, and whether they could fall under the category of best practice. 

We use https://api.segment.io/* to capture events required for analytics. Along with each event Apty sends the required metadata that can be used for Analytics visualization.

Apty stores all the collected information in data centers located in customer-specific regions. For instance, if the customer is from Europe then the data will be stored in Europe, if the customer is from Australia the data will be stored in Australia itself. 

Secure Storage

All text, images, and statistical information (usage data) collected by Apty are stored securely and access is limited to authorized individuals only. Physical and network security is determined by the deployment method selected by the Client.

To learn more, see