Apty Deployment Models

Apty supports two deployment models:

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Hybrid/Self-hosted

Regardless of the deployment method chosen by the organization, our dedicated customer success team assists Apty customers on every stage of product implementation, version upgrades and provides ongoing support throughout the whole period of Apty Usage.

SaaS Deployment

Cloud-based SaaS solution model is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS-powered implementation is a risk-free method, requiring no infrastructure maintenance and upgrades from the customer.

How it works: With this architecture, Apty Administration servers are hosted on Amazon and the all instructional content created with the platform, analytics information, and customer data is stored in the environment of Amazon Postgres relational databases. In this model our Clients only need to install lightweight Assist Studio and Client tools to start adding instructional content for their application.

Use case: This deployment model is best suited for customers who choose not to invest resources into managing their own hosting facilities, as well as committed software and server maintenance.

In cases when enhanced security measures are required by the customer, a private cloud option is available.

For more details, see Amazon Website.

Hybrid/Self Hosted Deployment

For the customers who take full responsibility for corporate data privacy and choose to avoid dependency on outside servers, Apty supports an option, where the entire deployment is performed on the local resources of the customer side. Application files can be located on any server supporting SSL (nginx, Apache, etc.) on the Windows / Linux / MacOS environment.

How it works: This type of implementation allows companies to keep all their Apty content and data behind their firewall. In this case both administration component and Apty Content/Data stored in the database of a customer’s choice are hosted on the physical server of the customer in one of their own facilities.

Use cases: This deployment model is in demand by the medium sized and large business companies and is recommended when :

  • Company policy requires keeping data in their own infrastructure which is a common practice for companies in financial verticals.
  • Company is not able to whitelist Apty server.
  • All devices work within company intranet only without access to external systems.

For more details, see Hybrid Deployment Using Static Files.