Best Practices for Creating Workflows

You know how to create a workflow, but keep reading to learn about strategies and methods we have found to be most effective for building user-friendly, easy-to-manage Workflows.

Build for a Smooth User Experience

Firstly, it is important to consider the experience of the user with a Workflow

Create a step for actions the user needs to complete the task. The Steps should focus on one very specific task.

The number of steps will vary depending on the length of the process.

  • Assume the user is starting from the home page and create steps from there. 
  • Don’t forget to include steps that help the user “exit” the current screen or application to access the navigation.

Follow these guidelines while creating a workflow: 

Element Selection

  • Use 'Expand Selection' and 'Narrow Selection' when element cannot be parsed with mouse pointer.
  • Make sure the element that is to be selected to point a balloon is not hidden behind any other element.

Optimize Titles

Users will find and select the most relevant Workflow from the Player Menu if the title is precise and makes the end goal clear.

Use Notes - Description

If there are flows that are not immediately clear, use description to explain what is it.

Keep Balloon Text Short and Simple

Content in balloons should be direct and actionable. Include Rich text in the content. Avoid overloading the user with information. If you need to convey a lot of information at once, use Tooltips to provide in-place help or link users to a document that provides more details.

Keep it to Fifteen (15) Steps or Less

We have seen the Workflows with more than 15 steps with a significant drop off in the Completion rate.

Identify the end goal of the Workflow and focus on getting users there in the simplest way possible. Look for opportunities to use fewer balloons.

Minimize User Clicks with Advance On Actions

Use Advance on action which will progress the Workflow at the appropriate time without extra clicks to the user.

Use the Next Button as Advance On action for Optional Steps

When you are not sure if the user will take an action or in Form pages, when there are no required fields, use a Next button trigger to make it optional. 

Make Sure Scroll To is On

When the user is on a page, consider an element hiding behind the view. This will scroll the user to the page element to display the next step in the Workflow.

Full View of Balloon on the Screen

Based on the position the element is present on the application, choose the placement that will allow users to have a full view of it at all times.

Give Users Multiple and Appropriate Ways to Initiate the Workflow

The Workflow may be initiated via Apty Client, Launcher, or an Announcement. Consider the user experience and the Business objective to make sure that the Workflow is made available to the user at the point of need.

Adding Entry Points to the Workflow

The users may have started the process without the Workflow. Don’t make them repeat any steps! By selecting steps as entry points through the addition of anchors, the step can be used as a starting point if the Workflow is kicked off at that point. This will prevent users from having to redo steps that are already completed and provide assistance from that point forward. 

Points to be considered while selecting Anchors:

  • Those elements must be selected as Anchor points (points must be unique characteristics of that page).
  • The anchor points that are selected must be able to differentiate one page (URL) from another.
  • Multiple points can be selected as anchors (i.e., the combination of the points make the page unique).
  • To mark an entry point, make sure to select more than three(3) anchors for that step.
  • Once the anchors are selected, re-validate them by using Play Workflow from the Editor. Do this by observing if the anchors remain the same even after different actions are performed on the application. Remember, the anchors are unique characteristics of a page and they must be present on the page to be recognized.