Activity Statistics is a graphical representation of the average Activity interaction rate per user in relation to the overall Activity completion rate which incorporates all the compliance.
Use the following steps to access your Activity Engagement page:
1. Login to your Admin Portal.
2. Select the application you wish to view the Activity Engagement for.
3. Click the Insights dropdown.
4. Click Activities from the dropdown menu.
5. Click the TIME RANGE dropdown to filter your Activity Statistics for a specific time period.
You can also customize your dates to view the Activity Statistics for a specific time period.
6. You can now view the Activity Statistics.
The Activity Statistics chart groups Activities with comparable data; these Activities are identified by blue spots that, when hovered over, show the average number of interactions per user and the overall number of Activities completed with all the compliance met.
The Most Used Activity, denoted by a blue spot, looks larger than the Least Used Activity in the GIF below.
When you hover your cursor over the blue spot, you will see the following data:
- A number displayed on the spot indicating the number of Activities grouped.
- A tooltip displaying the name, completion rate, and the usage of the Activity.