When to use Workflows?

Workflows Overview

Workflows are structured step-by-step guides designed to assist users in completing specific tasks within an application. The content of each step may vary, from simple prompts like “Enter username” to more complex instructions that integrate text, images, and hyperlinks. These workflows are context-sensitive, appearing only in relevant sections of the application.

When to Use Workflows

Workflows are ideal in situations where users are likely to encounter unfamiliar processes, such as:

Guiding Inexperienced Users: Offering step-by-step instructions to help new users or those unfamiliar with certain application processes.
Supporting Rarely Used Processes: Assisting users with tasks that are performed infrequently, ensuring they don’t miss any crucial steps.
Product Adoption and Onboarding: Facilitating quicker product adoption and effective onboarding by helping users navigate the software and learn new features.
Enhancing User Experience: Providing on-screen assistance to prevent users from getting stuck, thus improving their overall experience.
Automating Repetitive Processes: Leveraging automation within workflows to simplify tasks and reduce the manual input required from users.
Analyzing and Optimizing Workflows: Using advanced analytics to understand how users interact with the workflows, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring workflows are effective and efficient.

Best Practices for Creating Workflows

Understand User Behavior: Analyze how users interact with your application to create workflows that cater to their needs, avoiding unnecessary or redundant steps.
Keep it Simple: Break down complex processes into bite-sized steps to avoid overwhelming the user.
Personalize the Experience: Tailor workflows to different user segments to ensure relevance and avoid unnecessary information.
Test and Iterate: Continuously test your workflows and refine them based on user feedback and behavior data to maintain their effectiveness.
Measure Success: Track metrics such as workflow initiation and completion rates to gauge effectiveness and identify any drop-off points.

By following these guidelines, you can create effective workflows that not only guide users through complex tasks but also enhance their overall experience with the application.