What is Apty Admin?

Apty Admin, also known as the Admin Portal, is a central hub for storing and managing Apty content for web applications, creating and managing user profiles, segmenting content for different user groups, determining analytics to improve application usage and efficiency, and configuring global settings for international teams.

The Admin Portal is a cloud-based tool hosted on the AWS platform and is complaint with the latest security policies.

Key Functions

  • Add and manage hosting applications.
  • Publish, configure, and customize the content created on your web application using Apty Studio.
  • Create and manage user profiles.
  • Fine tune keyboard shortcuts, connections and other settings for seamless integration with Apty.
  • Add and remove content from the Knowledge Center.
  • Create user roles, define their scope of access and responsibilities for them to access the Admin Portal or the Apty Studio or both.
  • Download the Apty Studio and Apty Client extensions.
  • Analyze the application usage and efficiency to help building effective strategies of system resources distribution.

To learn more, see Admin Portal Overview.