Screen Presence as a Visibility Rule

Condition Type



On Screen Element

  • Element presence

  • CSS

  • Xpath

Checks an element on-screen for visibility, content length, or type

  • Is visible/Not visible

  • Exists/Not exist

  • Text is

  • Text is Not

  • Text is Like

  • Text is Not Like

  • Text is Empty

  • Text is Not Empty

  • Regex

Example: Display a launcher button only when a specific section is visible on the screen. If the user scrolls and this particular section becomes visible, the launcher button appears.

 on screen el eg

Condition Type




  • URL

  • URL Hostname

  • URL Path

  • URL Parameters

  • URL Hash

Checks either the current URL or the referral URL (the URL from which the user navigated)


In the context of the same app, the system should auto-identify the page

  • Equals

  • Not equals

  • Contains

  • Not contain

  • Starts with

  • Ends with

Example: Show an announcement when users navigate to the URL containing the pathname "/lightning/o/Opportunity/list".

 URL eg