Reset User Password

To reset a user's password:

1.  Login to the Admin Portal.

2.  At the the bottom of the left side panel, click the Settings icon. The System Settings page opens.

3.   Under System Settings > Users tab select a user whose password should be reset.

4.   In the respective row, click the vertical ellipsis icon to access the context menu.

5.   Select one of the following options:

  • Reset Password via Emil: an email with password reset instructions is going to be sent to the email, defined in the User Profile. 
  • Get Password Reset Link: once confirmed, the system generates a shareable link that can be used to define new password for this user. This method requires no access to user email and by following this link the password can be changes both by the end user or by the Admin user.

6.   Proceed with the system hints depending on the option selected.