Frequently Used, Favorite Contents, and Labels

For easy access, contents available in Apty Client's Help tab are also categorized as Frequently Used content, Favorite content, and Labeled content.

Most Frequently Used Content

Apty’s advanced algorithm automatically selects 10 of the most frequently used contents based on the user interactions from the last 30 days and lists them in the Frequently Used section. Here, you will find the top 5 of the most frequently used Workflows and the top 5 other frequently used Knowledge Contents. 

PATH: Apty Studio> Need Help widget > Under Help Tab >Frequently Used

Frequently Used section lists out 10 most frequently used contents based on the user interactions of last 30 days.

freq used

Favorites Content

Apty helps in optimizing content by adding a "Favorite" icon to them, which helps our partners to easily access their content marked as Favorite by placing it at the top of the list within the Apty Client.


Inside Apty Client, the End User can add/remove the content inside Favorites just by clicking the Star icon provided against each content.

PATH: Apty Studio> Need Help widget > Under Help Tab > Favorites

Group Contents Based on Labels

In order to provide easy access to related content, a feature is enabled to group similar content based on Labels. 


Admin user has the provision to manage Labels inside the Admin Portal. Once labels are added and contents are grouped based on labels, it will be available inside Apty Client.

Inside Apty Client, All the Labelled content will be represented using label icon icon.

To add a Label: Admin Portal> Manage > Labels > Click on Add Label Button > Add Name and Ordering Rank
To add content under a Label: Under Manage Content > Select the required contents from Workflows and Knowledge Center > Click on Add


Only the published content will be visible under a Label inside the Apty Widget.