Forgot Password

In case you forget your password, you can set a new password on your own using the following steps.

1. Launch the Apty Studio extension on your web browser.

2.  Enter your User ID.

3. Click Continue.

4.  Click Forgot?

5.  Enter your Email.

6.  Click Continue.

A link to reset your password will be emailed to you when you click Continue.

7.  Open your mail and then click the password reset link.

8.  Enter your new password in the PASSWORD field.

9.  To confirm your password, re-enter your password in the RESET PASSWORD input field.

10. Click Change Password.

You'll be prompted to login to the Admin Console.

11.  Enter you User ID and then click Continue.

12.  Enter your new password and then click Login.

13.  You can now login to the Apty Studio and create content on your application.

To learn how to login to your Apty Studio, see Login to Apty Studio.