Edit Knowledge Content

Follow the steps described in this article to edit the knowledge content previously added to the system.

1.  Login to the Admin Console.

2.  On the left side panel select the application you plan to work with. The application menu opens.

3.  In the Application menu go to Manage > Knowledge Center. The list of materials added to the Knowledge Center via Launchers or through Admin Console opens.

4.  Find a row with a piece of content you are attempting to edit, click the (three vertical dots) button at the end of the row and select Edit in the context menu. The Edit Knowledge Content screen opens.

5.  If this piece of content is marked as active, make sure to switch to inactive mode and click Save to proceed with editing its details or source link.

6.  Once the changes have been made, at the bottom of the Add Knowledge Content screen click Add. The list of the Knowledge Center is going to be updated with new entry.