Advance on Options

Advance On options in Apty workflows determine how a user progresses from one step to the next within a workflow. These options ensure the workflow aligns with user interactions, making the experience smooth and intuitive. Selecting the appropriate option based on the type of UI element and the task is crucial for creating effective workflows.

Available Advance On Options:

1. Next:
This option is ideal for sequential tasks where the user’s input is required before moving forward. Commonly used for text input fields, dropdowns, and search bars, it allows the user to control the pace of progression by clicking a "Next" button.

next (1)

2. Click on Element:
This option is triggered when the user clicks on a specific UI element. It’s best suited for interactive elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, or any final step in a process to ensure that the action is completed before advancing.

click on element

3. Right Click:
This option is used when the workflow needs to advance based on a right-click action, typically in more advanced or context-sensitive workflows where right-click menus are involved.

4. Mouse Hover:
This option progresses the workflow when the user hovers over a particular element. It’s useful for tasks where hovering reveals additional information or options that the user needs to interact with.

mouse hover (1)

5. Change in Element:
This triggers the next step when a change is detected in the specified element, such as a value change in a dropdown or input field. It's particularly useful in dynamic forms or applications where the state of an element changes based on user actions.

6. Input in Element:
This option advances the workflow when the user enters input into a designated element, such as a text field. It is often used when immediate progression is required after the user starts typing, enhancing the responsiveness of the workflow.

input (1)

Recommended Usage:

  • Freeform Text Fields: Use the "Next" button to allow users to control progression after completing their input.
  • Dropdown Fields: Use the "Next" button to ensure a selection is made before moving forward.
  • Search Bar: Use the "Next" button to confirm that the search is completed.
  • Checkbox Fields: Use "Click on Element" to ensure the user has selected or deselected an option.
  • Radio Button Fields: Use "Click on Element" to confirm the user's choice before advancing.


For any final step in a process, it’s recommended to set the Advance On option to "Click on Element" to ensure the action is completed before progressing.